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Jimin was getting Jungkook ready for his date with Taehyung

It was fully Jimins plan and the other two didn't seem to have any problem

But Jungkook didn't want to dress up , and Jimin wasn't listening, he's stubborn

That's why he dressed Jungkook up in a pink hoodie and black tights

"Hyungggg I look like a kid!!"

Jimin smiled and cupped his cheeks
"That's why! Look he's younger than you- and you need to look younger"

"But why would I look younger in front of him? What's the point!"

"Agh- It's just you're going on a date and you need to look fine!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed

Now Jimin took Jungkooks hand and kissed his knuckles making him blush a little
"Let me drive you to your destination"
Jungkook didn't even protest

Because he knew Jimin was just being friendly .....or not?


Jungkook and Jimin arrived at the destination, the restaurant they were supposed to have their date but they were early and they saw Taehyung wasn't there yet

On the other hand Taehyung was overjoyed because of the date, no matter how much he tried to hide it

Taehyung was inside the restaurant directing the workers to decorate it properly himself

He wanted it to be perfect

"Sir the food is absolutely ready  , the halls are decorated as you wanted and our workers are ready"
Taehyung nodded

"Okay good you people"
Now he was only waiting for Jungkook to come up

Jimin and Jungkook were laughing and talking about random things , Jimin complimenting jungkook time to time making him blush like crazy

"You're really flirty today hyung, stop it!"

"Why? I can't be flirty?"

"Go to your wife"
Jungkook huffed smiling and Jimin laughed

"Hahaha- she's in the company, shooting for something and of course you look so good today, I can definitely flirt with ykh can't I?"
Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes and hit Jimins shoulder not aware of someone watching them

Taehyung cleared his throat, a little annoyed making the two olders turn to him with a surprised face

"Oh! I didn't know you're already here!"
Jungkook said with a bunny smile looking up at Taehyung and where Taehyung looked down at their intertwined hands before putting in a fake smile

"I apologise Mr Park, but I would like to have my date now"
Jimin nodded and understood what Taehyung was trying to say and immediately left his hand

"Of course of course! Have fun you two"
He whispered something in Jungkooks ear and Taehyung saw how he blushed before he headed out waving them goodbye

Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed Jungkooks hand a little harshly making him flinch a little

"What? I can't hold my dates hand but hus ex can?"
Taehyung spat making Jungkook frown a bit

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