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Jungkook called Jimin , for like 10times but he didn't pick up the call so Jungkook sighed and called a cab and headed home

On the other hand Taehyung was driving home thinking about today

Jungkook looked out of the window letting the wind run through his hair

Taehyung opened the window Because it was getting suffocating

"What was wrong with him...why was he so angry.."

"Why wouldn't I get angry? It was my first date and it's ruined because of some third person"

"I don't understand him sometimes...he's so kind sometimes and the other times he's..angry"

"I am trying so hard to change myself, for someone who doesn't give a fuck"

"Is it because I bought up jimin?"

"I'm sick of this jimin hyung , why are you even marrying me then? "

"I think I should apologise"

"Whatever....I should really apologise for leaving him alone there..."

Jungkook payed the driver and entered his home

"Do you even know what time it is you bitch?"

"Mom - i mean- aunty please I don't have time for this"
Jungkook said heading upstairs

Taehyung entered his room loosening his tie
"Dadddyyy!! "
Taejunnie came and hugged him making Taehyung smile a little

"Did you enjoy at Jin uncle's house?"

"Yesss!! How is mumma?"
Taehyung frowned and looked away

"I don't know maybe spending time with his Jimin hyung again.."


Jungkook entered his room and didn't see Jimin anywhere

"Maybe he's with Rose..."

He sighed a frown forming in his mouth as he went to shower

"Why cant I flirt?"

"Go flirt with Rose"

"Ahhh- she's in the company for shooting so I'll flirt with you"

Jungkook sighed as warm water soothed his muscles leaning over the walls

"That was just sarcastic Jungkook...no need to hope something"

On the other hand Taehyung layed beside his son, the little one fast asleep on his arms

He looked out of the window , the moon shining brightly

"Mumma - Mum-ma - you'll- stay with me- you'll- not go "

Little Taehyung cried over his mother's chest who was struggling to breath

"T-Taehyungie look- at - m-mumma?"
She said breathing fast

The little boy looked up crying out loud
"D-dont- go - mumma"

"Dun- wor-y Ta-ei-nge- so-meday- someo-ne w-ill -lo-ve y-ou mor-e tha-n I- ev-er did- hm- ? D-ont- cr-y"

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