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"You are engaged?!"

"Yes I am, and what do you want to do about it?"

Jimin got up from the couch and looked at Jungkook in disbelief
"You moved on so easily Jungkookie?"

Jungkook gave that look back
"What do you even mean? And why are you doing this hyung? Arent- aren't you I'm love with Rose? Why are you doing this?!"

"I don't know okay?! But I don't like seeing you with others!"

"What is your fucking problem?! I gave you 10 years....not one , not two but 10 years, and you didn't want me at that time! What's wrong with you?!"

Jimin went forward attempting to hug the younger only to be pushed away
"Don't touch me, I can't- can't believe this, why are you suddenly like this?! Y-you- tried to almost rape me last night- and now you're hear to what? To repeat the same thing?! But this is not your house this is my future husbands house , so if you'll kindly leave that'd be for the best"

Jimin tsked and rolled his eyes
"Fine, I'll leave for now"
He said going Outta the house
"But I'll come back for sure"

He said and went out making Jungkook fl into the couch out of frustration

"Why ....? Why is he being like this? Why can't I go to him after loving his so much..."

Jungkook sighed rubbing his teared eyes before standing up

"I- should make lunch and dinner preperations.."


It's night time , Taejunnie and Jungkook are studying together while Taehyung just came back from work and is showering

"Mumma, not anymore"
The little one pouted

"Just- a little bit okay?let's  Learn the poems and then done okay?"

Taejun nodded softly and Jungkook smiled making him learn the poem

Taehyung came out of the shower , wearing simple clothes and started drying his hair while looking at the two

"I'm hungry"
He said out of no where making Jungkook sigh

"Yeah... Wait I'll serve it"

Jungkook got up and Taehyung noticed the ring on his ring finger and held his wrist

"You're wearing I presume something happened?"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and then back at Taejun who was also looking at them
"I'll tell you when he's asleep"
He whispered and Taehyung nodded



"So...that's what happened"
Jungkook said looking down as they both sat on different edges of the bed

Taehyung sighed
"I figured, that's why I gave the ring to you"

Jungkook was looking down still silent

Taehyung sighed and climbed up the bed and went to him taking his hand in his
"Its okay... I mean I know it's not but- yeah"

Jungkook nodded looking at him
"It's fine really it is don't worry"
He smiled at Taehyung while made him a little flustered

"Who- said I'm worried about you"
He said looking away

Jungkooks smile brightened
"Oh really? Then why did you tell him that I slept with you?"

Taehyungs eyes widened as he looked at him
"I-I- didnt-"

Jungkook kept his hand over Taehyungs mouth
"It's okay, I know you were trying to save me, it's okay"

Taehyung was takes aback but he sighed
"O-ok then"
Jungkook got up

"It's fine , we can pretend whatever we want, not like it's going to happen for real is it?"

That sentence was enough to break a little of Taehyungs heart

"Goodnight Mr Kim"
Jungkook said smiling brightly and Taehyung hummed


Jungkook went to his room while Taehyung layed down on his own looking up at the ceiling and tsked

"What are you expecting Taehyung? There's no way he's gonna like you back"

He mumbled out covering himself with the blanket


Taehyung and Jungkook signed on the wedding registry papers, exchanging rings, lawfully wedded now

They didn't have a huge wedding ceremony and decided they will have a reception party instead after the day of their wedding

Taejun was overjoyed , he was the most happy one Because he has finally get his mumma for himself

Taehyung was a little sad about the fact that there's no way Jungkook is going to like him back

And Jungkook? He didn't know what he was feeling

"Mumma ! You know daddy- was asking for you"
Taejun said holding Jungkooks hand and jumping up and down

"Oh? Okay I'll go see him"
Jungkook went and knocked over Taehyungs room

Taehyung opened the door wearing a robe and Jungkook assumed he just got Outta the shower

Jungkook went inside and the door closed

From outside

Both of their eyes widened as they heard giggles
"That little-"

Taehyung banged the door
"Taejun! Taejun open the door!"

The kid ran away as Jungkook sighed

"I can't believe this-

"As father as son"

And Taehyung turned to him
"What did you say?!"

"I said don't blame the little kid, he is just like you"

"What do you mean by that?! I'm a gentleman and i don't do this things"

"Then how can I get out?!"

"Who told you to come in the first place?!"

"It was Taejunnie!"

"You're an idiot!"

"And so are you!!"


I apologise for not posting 😭 and this chapter sucks I know

But I promise the next  chapter is gonna be better

I was busy doing some things **cough cough** anyways

I'll see you guys on the next chapter

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