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A few days passed

Jungkook has been losing his hope in love with everyday passing by, he does love Jimin with all his heart but now he knows it's stupid to expect love in return

That's why he is going to focus on their friendship and the little moments they spend together

As for Jimin, he is already very happy, and more happy Because of Jungkook, he never knew Jungkook is such a good person because he never paid attention towards the younger

His little laughs, that pretty face, heart of gold, little habits are the cutest he has ever seen

They were over the shop to buy suits both of Jimin and Jungkook because he has to be presentable on dates

Speaking of dates, Jimin has been setting dates for him but some he didn't like and others Jimin didn't like because he wanted Jungkook to be happy wherever he is

"Jimin this would look great on you"

Jimin smiled and ruffled the youngers hair
"I have already chosen , you choose cmonnn!"

"Aishhh- I don't want dresses , I don't evem wanna go on dates"
He whined

"But how are you g-'
Jimins phone started ringing

"Gimme a minute okay? Just buy something I'll be back"
He said and left talking to his phone

Jungkook huffed and stuck to his choices, he wouldn't buy for himself and that's what his choice was

Jungkook came from a pretty wealthy family, and his family dosent know a thing about all this happening here, Jungkook refused to tell them waiting for the right moment

He payed for Jimins suits and without buying anything went out holding the shopping bags by himself

"So much heat ugh"
He muttered by himself waiting for Jimin to arrive

He was looking here and there admiring the flower shop around the street, a pastry shop, people running down here and there, a large building probably some office or something, a jet black audi parked in front of it, and-

A kid

At the middle of the road

Looking up in the sky

Jungkooks eyes widened as he saw some cars coming in his direction he immediately ran upto him and yanked the kid to his Direction immediately kneeling down in front of him

"Are you okay?! Why are you alone? And why aren't you with your mom? You should not roam alone like that!!"

He scolded the kid but immediately softened his expression when he saw the kids eyes were red and he is crying

Jungkook immediately cursed at himself
"Oh my god- I'm so sorry! I should't have scolded you like that- oh my god"

He said hugging the kid and patting his back

"Daddy- left me alone!"
He cried

Jungkook sighed and pulled away picking up the kid in his arms and rocking him
"Shush don't cry"

"Dadd-y went- to work! Left me- alone-! I wan to go to mumma-!"
He said sobbing

"Tsk rich bastards leaving their kids alone"

"Okayyy- don't cry okay? Come with me , tell me your address - I'll take you to your mumma okay?'

Jungkook smiled and kissed the boy's forehead and before the smaller boy could say something a loud and deep voice interrupted them

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