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The day of their engagement

Their whole house were decorated property , and beautifully, Jungkook didn't even get a little time to get ready, because he took all the work over himself, he insisted.

Jimin was continuously opposing , but Jungkook didn't listen to him, he told him that he's very happy to do this

Jimin was panicking

He had a job to do , and he wanted Jungkook to be presented properly

"Look , I know we might not have met under the best circumstances but it'll be the best for Jungkook, your kid , and might as well you"

Taehyung nodded going into pool of deep thoughts

He would be lying if he said he didn't find the older attractive , but Taehyung wasn't sure if he was ready to move forward, but thinking of his son, he wanted the best for him

"It's a great proposal Mr Park, I appreciate it and yes I've been watching Jun- i mean Mr Jeons actions with my kid , he seems lonely and Taejun would definitely want a mother figure beside him-"

"Ah- Yes another thing , if you Marry Jungkook you need to remember one thing"

Taehyung raised a brow

Jimin sighed
"He's a fertile...."

Taehyung's eyes widened and shock
"Thats- very rare-"

"I know I know , that's very rare, but he is one, and I couldn't - complete his needs if you know what I mean, not always physical, but - he wanted love and affection ,  I couldn't give him..."

Taehyung nodded his head and smiled a little
"I think it'd be best if we get to know each other first "

Jimin smiled
"And that's why I am inviting you to my engagement tomorrow-"

"Oh tomorrow I have a meet-"

"Please don't say no, think about your son"
Jimin spoke softly and Taehyung nodded

"Alright, I'll be there but- i can't promise to be right on time because-"

"I understand I understand, thank you Mr Kim"
Jimin said and Taehyung did a little bow

Jungkook was hurriedly serving the drinks with Yoongi

"I don't even know why he's marrying this bitch"

Jungkooks eyes widened
"Don't speak like that! She's a very kind hearted girl"

Yoongi rolled his eyes
"Yeah yeah-but seems like my brother and you are quite close this days"

Yoongi wiggled his brows and Jungkook glared at him
"Yoongi, we talked about this, there's no way in h-"

Jungkook turned his head towards the voice of Jimin and smiled brightly


"C'mon c'mon !!! Hurry uppp!! C'mon!"
He started pushing jungkook causing the later to grab the tray tightly

"Hey! This'll fall-"

"Leave this aside you need to get ready!!"

"Oh lord but-"

"Yoongi - here please take care of it , I need to get him ready okay?"

He said giving yoongi the tray and dragging Jungkook inside of their house

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