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Jungkook packed everything as possible for winter place.
He heard from Taejun that Taehyung likes snow more than anything else in the world , so he somehow assumed the younger would take them upto somewhere colder.
He packed Taejuns clothes as well and his luggage was ready.

The flights at night 10:00 pm , and it was currently 5 in the evening , so Jungkook thought he should take some snacks along with him and packed it as well.

"Mumma mumma - do I look handsome?"
He was brushing his hair when Taejun came in jumping flexing his white shirt looking at him with big eyes

Jungkook chuckled and went to him kneeling down and ruffling his hair
"Oh definitely, you look more handsome that your dad"
That made the little ones face lit up

"really?!! I'm more handsome than my dad!!! Yayy!"
He kissed Jungkooks cheeks and ran out of the room shouting that line again and again

Jungkook sighed happily getting up and checking himself out in the mirror smiling at his own reflection and checked the whole room , if he missed something

His eyes landed on the black box and his cheeks turned red thinking about every dirty thing he has done with the things that lies inside that box

Should I take it?

I think I should... I am not getting a dick anytime soon , scratch that maybe never so I'll have to satisfy myself with that

He walked and took out the black box from under the bed and-

"You ready?"
He flinched almost dropping the box with widened eyes and turned around the box behind his back.
But as soon as his eyes landed on a particular male his breath hitched

Off white t-shirt with a few buttons opened revealing the tan hard chest , black joggers , black hair complimented by the black sunglasses that the younger was wearing

Jungkook almost cursed under his breath but stammered out

"Y-yes I'm - I'm done!"
He said awkwardly still checking his husband out

Taehyung opened his sunglasses with his left hand and furrowed his brows looking at the younger

"Whats- that thing behind your back?"
He asked and Jungkook widened his eyes

"I- Oil! There's- oil! You know the weather it dry"

"You need that much of a big box for oil?"
Jungkook nodded his head vigorously and hurriedly packed the box

"Im- ready! If you wanna go over the airport now then we can go, we can always sit in there, hehe..."
He said with a cute smile and Taehyung looked at the older and nodded not believing everything the younger just said now but he let it go

"Okay, I'll take my car out of the garage , you fetch junnie and come down"
Jungkook nodded with a big thumbs up as the younger went away.
He sighed in relief and fell over the bed

Lord ... That was close


Jungkook woke up from his deep slumber to someone shaking him
"We're here mumma wake upp!!"

Jungkook took a deep breath felt like he was sweating because he was already wearing a hoodie

Taehyung came and shook him
"Wake up, we reached"
He said once , and that deep voice was enough to wake him up

He whined under his breath feeling that he was sweating heavily

"Where....are we"

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