twenty four°

17K 798 211

Their so planned honeymoon crashed by only a phone call.
Taehyung decided now he would not say anything to Jungkook, he is too much in pain to blurt out anything. The kim Taehyung after their marriage just disappeared in one sudden and the Kim Taehyung who always had a cold mask on came back.

Taejun was so confused by their parents behaviour, and why they decided to get back this sudden. That kid put so much work into this , he just can't let everything crash down.

And Jungkook, well to be at the utmost level of honesty , he was out of his mind. He couldn't just believe Taehyung now. The one thing that was going through is mind was
"I lived under his shelter for 10 years, I should pay him back"

So when they landed at Busan , Jungkook ran out of the airplane not thinking about anything twice

"...daddy? Why mumma is so hurry?"
Taejun asked

Taehyung picked up his son and smiled sadly
"Love got him in a hurry champ ... Don't worry "
He said with a defeated look which of course the little one didn't understand

Taehyung was so tired of everything at this point he didn't want to stop Jungkook for whatever he is doing .


Jungkook almost ran to the hospital , not caring about anything right now. He went to the reception and asked the lady

"P-Park Jimin?"

The lady looked up at him a bit startled and thought for a bit before widening her eyes and nodded
"Room Number 204 sir"

Jungkook mumbled a small thank you before rushing upstairs through the staircase scanning the number plates over each room

It was fourth floor, the floor was extremely and inordinately silent.
Jungkook reached there panting for his breath




"Found it"
He looked around a little baffled that why is a hospital this silent.

Again it might not have many patients

Jungkook looked around for a doctor or a nurse but found them no where. So he decided he'll go by himself.

He opened the door his heart almost breaking at the sight. Jimin layed on the door , a light beep sound coming out of the cardiac monitor.

He rushed forward to him immediately grabbing a chair and sat down caressing his cheek

Jimins lips were parted under the oxygen mask as he was breathing slowly.
"Hyungie...I-Im here.. please wa-ke up.."
His lips quivered as he was preventing himself from crying

Small footsteps were being heard. The door opened. And closed.Jimins hand wrapped around Jungkooks wrist.

Jungkooks eyes widened
"Hyung! A-are you okay? Should I call the doctor-"

"Jungkookie.... "
Jimin got up a disgusting smirk playing on his lips as he opened the mask

Jungkook blinked in confusion

"You're so naive "
Jungkook gulped backing away a bit suddenly shuddering in fear.

"Y-you are- you-"
He tried to get away from Jimins grip but again it was of no use

"Enjoyed your honeymoon baby?"
Jimin asked getting up wrapping his arms around Jungkooks waist

Jungkook gasped punching his chest

"D-Dont! Touch- me-! "
He said pushing him away trying to break free

"Oh you don't know how bad I fucking missed you"
Jungkook kicked his leg again backing away

"Ss- still that feisty little bitch-"

"You lied to me- y-you- I thought- you're dying! I came to see you-. But no I should- have listened to Taehyung- g-god I need to apologise- I will see you later-"

Jungkook gasped a hand wrapping around his mouth with a small piece of cloth

Jimin fell on the bed laughing loudly
"Too...late now Jungkookie , I get what I want and I am going to take you no matter what"

Jungkook started squirming harder his mind getting dizzy , his head spinning. He let out muffled screams but that was of no use

He mumbled before fainting into the man's arms

Jimin looked up
"Thank you mingyu, you'll receive your payment"

"That is all I work for sir"

"Now take him to where we've planned"


To say that Taehyung was not getting worried would be an understatement. But again , he thought that the older forgot about him. After all he went to his first love.

Taehyung was so frustrated he sat down on the couch not being able to focus on work.
"...He isn't even picking up my call"
He sighed gritting his teeth not being able to understand what's happening.

He gave up on work. And got up heading towards his bedroom when the bell rang.

Taehyung clenched his jaw going down and opening the door
"You could have stayed t-"

Taehyungs eyes furrowed at the familiar male in front of him
"H-hello I don't have time to explain b-"

"Areh you parks brother?"
Taehyung asked as the green haired male nodded

"I'm Yoongi yes- I don't have time to explain, we have to go please"

"But what  happened-"

"I said I don't have time to explain-!"

"But I'm not going on some useless shit-"

"Your husband is in danger"
Yoongi let out panting with glossy eyes

Taehyungs breathing stopped

"Now please come...  Please "


Haha Jungkookie is no naive T_T waeeee
Anyways how did you like the chapter? I'm trying to update as much as I can!!!!

Anemfkkfkekeleldcmfme thank you for reading !

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