twenty nine°

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Jungkook and Taejun entered the place , curious eyes scanning the crowd to find the one and only person they are looking for.
The driver insisted he will call Taehyung but Jungkook thought it would be really great if he gave a surprise

He picked Taejun up on his arms so that the little one dosent run away.
"Mumma so many people!!"
The kid said making Jungkook chuckle

"Yes....there are so many people in here"
He chuckled eyes scanning the crowd moving forward to find his husband

"Mumma!! Look daddy!!"
Taejun pointed and Jungkook looked to see his husband talking with someone he can't really tell who

He smiled brightly going forward and stopped

....who the hell is this girl

Jungkook blinked a couple of times looking at a girl who wore really short clothes, and was smiling and laughing while talking with Taehyung

His stomach turned a little in jealousy as he stayed silent before-

"Daddy!!!!! Here!!!"
And Taehyung immediately turned around his smile widening

"Omygod you guys- didn't tell me !!"
He rushed forward to greet them and when his eyes landed on Jungkook his breath hitched

Jungkooks face was still a little blank , that he was thinking that he is overreacting.

"You look so beautiful"
A deep voice was heard making Jungkook flinch back into reality as he blushed heavily

"....Haha- r--really?"
He asked as Taehyung pecked his forehead taking Taejun into his arms

Taehyung smiled brightly
"Yes.... Really, you look so beautiful, stick by my side I don't want any other man or woman by your s-"

"Ah... Sir? Who is this?"

There goes Jungkook's patience

Jungkook flashed a fake smile wrapping an arm around Taehyungs waist and looked at the girl

"Ah Miss Emily t-"

"His husband. Kim Jungkook, it's nice to meet you honey"
He said sugarcoating the fakeness dropping from his voice

"...oh sir you didn't tell me you had a family-"
Jungkook blinked and looked at Taehyung who chuckled awkwardly

"Well Miss Emily I didn't get the chance...haha"
Jungkook frowned a little sighing an uncomfortable feeling shifting on his stomach

"...okay- sir would you like a drink-"

"He won't, neither am I going to drink, thank you for the tempting offer , I think we are going to go"
He said and glared up at Taehyung who gulped

".....o-okay yeah, I'll see you around Miss Emily"

And Jungkook stormed away a little further into the lawn, away from the crowd making Taehyung follow with a confused Taejun in his arms

"...daddy what happened to mumma? Why is he angry?"
Taejun pouted making Taehyung chuckle nervously

" ....I don't know maybe he didn't like Miss Emily- hey- Hyung!!!! Wait up heyyy!"
He called but the later didn't answer

Jungkooks hormones were all about the place his stomach burning with jealousy

"Hyungggg cmon don't be mad! She was my clients secratary!!"

"And why the hell didn't you tell her you have a husband! And a kid!"
Jungkook sounded so angry that made Taehyung gulp

Taehyung looked at Taejun and put him down, he immediately called his secratary who took a confused Taejun away from them for a bit

Jungkook was standing near the edge of the party looking up at the night sky . Taehyung sighed and went to him wrapping an arm around his waist only to receive a slap on his hand
"Don't hold me!"
He said his lips quivering

Taehyung's eyes widened
"Omygod....what got you so angry? I swear she was just - a company at the party!"
Taehyung said turning Jungkook to face him and the later only looked down

"....I- I don't know"
His voice sounded so small as Taehyung noticed a tear slip down his eyes to his hands and widened his eyes

"H-hey- hey- are you crying?! Omygod- Hyung whyyy-"

Jungkook sobbed
"W-what- if you think I-Im not pretty anymore... Wh-at if yoy find g-girls more pretty, what- what if you leave me"
He sobbed out and Taehyung was more confused than ever.

Taehyung hugged his husband patting his head
"... omygod what made you think this?! And why- why would I even leave you?! Hyung I love you.... I always loved you , you're like making no sense right now!"

Wrong words. Jungkook pushed Taehyung away looking up at him with big teary eyes
"I- I am not making any sense?! I- knew it- y-you dont love me its- it's all lies!!"
He cries out more making Taehyung gasp

"Hey- what!!! What the hell- Why are you so emotional- all of a sudden I don't understand- I love you! Why can't yoy believe me! And don't - cry like this - gosh what's wrong with you-"

Jungkook looked up sobbing , and rubbed his eyes backing away a little.

He sniffled taking out a box from his pocket and took Taehyungs hands slapping the box down
"Here, see for yourself! I'm insecure okay? I'm real insecure! And this pregnancy isn't making it any better!!"

He blurted out

Taehyung froze

His heart almost stopped

His eyes widened

Jungkook clasped a hand over his mouth in horror thinking all sorts of negative things he can
"Y-you aren't g-gonna accept- it - you- "
Jungkook covered his face with his hands sobbing quietly trying not to breakdown

Taehyung on the other hand was shook. He opened the box with nervous hands and what he saw made his heart flutter

A pregnancy test with two dots, indicating it's positive
"Oh my fucking God.."
He whispered out his face cracking into a big smile

Jungkook looked up a little and Taehyung smashed their lips together making my widen his eyes.
"You just made me the happiest man alive"
He said between kisses and wrapped his arms around the older who smiled into the kiss

"R-really- y-you-"
Taehyung shushed my pressing various pecks on his lips
"I love you so fucking much"
He caressed Jungkooks stomach hugging him so tight that he can never escape

Jungkook hugged back crying happy tears
"Thank you so much....for accepting it"
He sobbed out and Taehyung pulled away

"I'll go fetch Jun let's go home..."


Hello guys!!! I hope you liked the chapter!!! It was shitty I know T_T

My exams are haunting me , I didn't really get time to posttt! I hope you like it

I purple you 💜

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