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Jungkook was sitting on the balcony looking up at the stars , his tears already dried down

"This is in my fate hmm? Hah.."
He chuckled dryly , gulping down the lump he was holding back

Yoongi already went in his room after not getting any response from Jungkook

He sighed looking down rubbing his sore eyes hugging himself in the cold not wanting to get up anytime soon

Jungkook looked up with a flinch and looked away immediately

"How- did you get in? And shouldn't you be with Jimin now?"

Rosé sighed and sat down beside Jungkook
"I'm sorry Jungkook, I didn't know he was married and that too in a critical situation like this"

She sighed looking down and Jungkook chuckled dryly
"You should not worry about that, also - would you stay here? I can leave the room if you wa-"

"Jungkook, listen to me"
She whispered out taking his hand in hers

"I- have no intentions to sabotage your marriage, I can help you out Jungkook, to fix this, because- I know jimin and he listens to me, it's my fault I left him to achieve my dreams, and I should not have came back , I'm so sorry Jungkook"

Jungkook looked at the girl and understood why Jimin didn't get over her in 10 years, she's capable of that

"You know I was so eager to prove myself to him, I didn't care about anything, I worked hard to become what I am today and I thought when I'd get back to him his family would accept me with no difficulties , and all that happened but-"

She looked up at Jungkook and smiled softly keeping a hand on his cheek

"Don't think so lowly of yourself, you are so pretty , prettier than any girl could ever be"
She said looking at Jungkooks eyes

Jungkook gulped and cracked into a smile before holding her hand and getting up

"Come with me"
He said before dragging her out of the room

"Jungkook? Hey- where are we going??"

Jungkook has made up his mind, he didn't want to be selfish, not that he ever was but that's another fact. All he ever wanted was to see Jimin happy , and Rosé is his happiness

He dragged him to the living room where everyone was sitting down and Jimin pacing around the room nervously

He looked up when he heard footsteps
"Chae- Jungkook- are you alright? "

Jungkook nodded putting on a big fake smile before pushing Rose forward

"I am completely fine, now spend time with her, you've waited for her for 10 years , you should not leave her alone like that"

He said smiling brightly and both of the individuals looked at each other and then back at Jungkook

"At least this good for nothing kid has some brain"

Mr Park said and Jungkook looked away a little and sighed and then again looked back at him

"Yes dad, I have some brains , and that's telling me to step away from them , after all they were both waiting for this moment, I should definitely- not get in between them"

He said trying to hold back all the emotions that's coming up

Jimin came up forward with a worried look on his face

"Are you..sure Jungkook? Theres nothing to force about, you can take your time thinking through th-"

"No no it's- fine completely fine and she's a great girl, who wouldn't fall for her?"
He said looking at Rose

"Jungkook i don't wanna come in between-"

"I don't want to come in between you two , you should- not worry about it, and Jimin? You should get the divorce papers ready right?"

Jimin looked at Jungkook and pulled him in a hug out of the blue

"I don't deserve you .... I really don't , I don't know I can thank you Jungkook"

Jungkook gulped and patted his back with a sly smile and pushed him away

"It's , nothing , I can do everything for you"
He whispered out the last part so that only Jimin can hear him and stepped away

"I - should get back in my room, goodnight"
He said awkwardly before running off towards his room and immediately locking himself up closing his eyes shut falling on the ground while tugging onto his own hair strands

"I- did it"
He said to himself crying out loud

He wanted to scream, but afraid anyone would hear him, so he went and grabbed the pillow stuffing his face into it and started screaming loud

"He- is gonna- be happy"

He said to himself sobbing and panting due to exhaustion and frustrations

"But what about me? I don't think I can ever love again"
He said to himself hugging himself


Jimin and Jungkook signed the divorce papers and they are now no longer husbands

Rose has went back to Seoul to complete some work before she comes back for her marriage

Apart from their relationship being tearing apart there's a new found connection between them


That's what Jimin is calling it

Is Jungkook happy?


Apart from the fact that they are divorced, Jimin is finally talking to him , sharing his feelings , sharing the little things, what could one possibility want more than that?

Now there was just one task left for Jimin

Finding Jungkook somebody


Hellooo I hope you liked the chapter!

And guess who's gonna make an appearance in the next chapter?🌝

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