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The morning came , sunlight peeking out from the heavy curtains, birds chirping could be heard from outside the glass window as Jungkook stirred in his sleep

"Mhh- agh- my head"
He mumbled out his head hurting bad because of drinking so last night

He slowly sat up leaning over to the head board his hands gripping the sides of his pounding head , scrunching his nose up and brows arched up

"Ugh....what happened last night I can't remember"
He mumbled to himself looking around the room with barely opened eyes, to see a black bug couch on the left side of the room along with a small table at it's corner, a big wardrobe over the wall and on the right side a huge mirror and the glass door of the attached bathroom

Then it clicked

He gulped , trying to sooth his sore throat a little which barely worked and vigorously looked here and there not being able to find anyone

Did I do anything weird last night?

Did alcohol made me go crazy?

Did I..

Oh no no , that can't be

His eyes widened, mind going to every possible direction not caring wether it is wrong , right, justified or not

He let out a nervous chuckle
"Ha- ha , I can't possibly do anything wrong right?"
He asked himself, trying to find an answer which was probably deep inside his mind but the raging headache blocked the information to get out

He blinked his eyes a couple of times before getting down the bed. He sat down again, and got up again.

"Nah.. my butt doesn't hurt.."
He smiled foolishly , a little relief sinking down his worrying brain

But he didn't have his peace, he started exercising, trying to find out if any park of his body hurts or not

"What are you doing?"
Jungkook flinched at the familiar deep voice gulping down audibly in certain fear which he didn't know why existed.

He turned around to be met with his only husband who had this unreadable expression on his face , his hair messy, no shirt and some loose sweats hanging down his waist exposing his deep V  line

Jungkook hesitantly looked down his broad chest a little line of abs and down his V line

Omygod how big is his-
Gosh no! Jungkook stop what are you thinking

He mentally slapped himself and looked up meeting up with a pair of bored eyes staring back into his eyes

"Uhm, n.. nothing, just.. morning exercise"
He said flashing a awkward smile

On the other hand Taehyung, he was thinking about every possibility of the older remembering what happened last night

I think he doesn't remember..

He doesn't have to , it's for the best

He sighed , a slight pang in his heart because he thinks the older doesn't remember anything that happened last night, a little part of his subconscious mind wished that he did but he just shrugged the thought off

"Okay, just go take a shower, you drank a lot last night , I'll keep some medics over the table , take that and you'll feel good"

Jungkook hastily nodded but his head perked up again
"But what about taeju-"

"He was asking about you , whining that he won't go school without seeing you , but I told my assistant to drop him , don't worry"

Jungkook nodded frowning a little because he made the little kid sad

"Okay I'll go shower..."

Jungkook said and went to the washroom taking a towel from the wardrobe in the process

Taehyung sighed plopping down the couch head in his hands thinking about every event that has happened last night

He looked up , his eyes unknowingly adjusting in the glass frames of the washroom and his eyes widened a little

The older was taking off his clothes, everything started going slow, so slow it drove Taehyungs mind crazy

His mid sized shoulders, biceps on his arms complimenting the unusually small waist and the curve widening into a very wide and big part of fat muscles , which looked so plum, soft and fuckable

Taehyung bit his lips subconsciously swirled the tip of  tongue around the wet muscle gulping audibly

Oh how good the older looked right now

Much to his pleasurable dismay , Jungkook turned on the shower and he swore he shouldn't be looking like this but it is after all a glass window, and not even the most innocent being on this earth could ignore such a beautiful and breathtaking view

Taehyungs breath ragged his mind wandering free to different possible scenarios as Jungkook leaned his head on the wall arching his back making his hips pop out more

"Oh shit"
The younger mumbled cursing under his breath

No no no, I shouldn't be thinking all this no

He repeated again and again but the arousing sight across him thrashed the thoughts away, his hormones sinking down to the most vulnerable part of his body making him curse again and again

His mind going back to last night

"Gah- f-uck - having fun in there little slut?"

Jungkooks eyes rolled back not being able to take it , his throat sore from the extreme exercise breath short

He moaned his response looking up with tear stained big eyes , cheeks red , hair yanked back, and that sight drove Taehyung crazy

He replied more tears falling down his face

Taehyung groaned gripping his hair harsh pushing his length down his throat, thrusting it in and out breathing loudly in pleasure

Jungkook tapped his thigh , not being able to catch his breath with the huge thing going in and out , bruising his throat

Jungkook sobbed bobbing his head up and down

"Mhh- I'm gonna- cum- fuck.."
Taehyung groaned looking down to the big eyes again which was saying something

And Taehyung understood
"Want- my cum - down your- throat- huh?"
He smirked evilly and the older nodded vigorously

"Mhh-! Mhh-!"
He replied his jaw hurting but he couldn't back away, after all he was the one who started it

Taehyung released down his throat almost growling in pleasure taking shaky breaths after pulling out

He looked down , the older panting hard cum dripping down his chin

Taehyung swore he can be hard again but he didn't want to take any more of his advantage

"Uhhh....Do you not have office?"
Taehyung choked on his thoughts a little gulping his spit and looked up

"Y-yeah....I'll go"
He hurriedly got up exiting the room

Jungkook tilted his head in confusion
"....what happened suddenly"


Guess who's back again 🙂

I hope... you'll forgive me

Some shits happened and I think I owe yall some good amount of juicy info of that

Anyways....did my writing style improve? I'm working on a lil details...

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