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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The sun shone brightly through my bedroom window. The annoying sound of someone knocking on the front door was giving me a slight headache. Thinking that one of my parents would answer it, I closed my eyes and attempted to fall back asleep, but the knocking continued.

With a loud groan, I rolled over in bed, wincing at the soreness that still resided in my body. It had been at least three days since training back at base, yet I was still incredibly sore. I blamed Topspin for majority of it; the slagging wrecker literally threw me into a huge wrack of military equipment.

I hopped out of bed and threw on my Uggs before heading out of my room. There was absolutely nobody in the house and that worried me quite a bit. Sighing, I ran over to the front door and pulled it open, surprised to see Mikaela, Sam, and Leo standing in front of me.

"Happy birthday!" they all yelled together.

Oh shit. That's today. .

A bright smile made its way onto my face as I pulled them all in for a hug.

"Thank you guys so much!" I exclaimed as I gestured for the group to come inside.

My eyes caught sight of a yellow Camaro with black racing stripes and I smiled even wider. The fact that Sam was now reunited with Bee made me incredibly happy and I'm almost positive it made him happy as well. The one thing that confused me though was the absence of Ironhide and my mom's Tahoe. I frowned and looked back at my friends, shutting the front door.

Before I could get another word out, Adalyn came running down the stairs. A smile immediately took over her features as she took notice of Mikaela, Sam, and Leo. She quickly pulled them each into a hug, greeting them all individually before turning to me.

"What made you guys decide to fly out to Washington DC?" I asked with a chuckle.

I walked over to sit down on the couch and they followed. Mikaela and Adalyn sat down on either side of me while Sam and Leo sat in each of the recliners.

"We couldn't miss our best friend's birthday; especially since she did such a good job planning mine," Sam said excitedly.

I laughed as I remembered the night of Sam's twentieth birthday. I had thrown a huge party mostly trying to get my mind off of missing Ironhide so much. Mikaela had even flown in to be with him for his birthday. Our entire dormitory was packed with drunk college students as well as a very drunk Leo who managed to fall out of his and Sam's dorm room window. Thankfully our rooms were only on the second floor. Leo landed safely in a bush and only managed to escape with a few scratches.

"That was a fun night," I declared.

"I still can't believe Leo fell out of the window," Adalyn laughed. Sam burst out laughing and I joined him.

"I really do wish I remembered that," Mikaela said as she scratched the back of her head.

"That's what you get for chugging down four bottles of Mike's Hard plus a bottle of Fireball. You're really lucky you're even alive," I scolded her.

She raised a brow at me. "I very distinctly remember you almost being raped though."

"Oh shit! Yeah, it was that guy you threw into a bush the night you came to DC with me," Sam exclaimed.

I scoffed. "Now, he's lucky I didn't throw him out a window."

Adalyn laughed. "But you did hit him over the head with a full beer bottle which knocked him out," she reminded me.

I shrugged. "What can I say? I've got a knack for destroying people," I joked.

Sam chuckled. "Yeah. I noticed that the first day I met you."

I just smiled and shook my head, my mind instantly shifting to the absence of my parents and Ironhide.

"Do any of you happen to know where my parents, my sister, and Ironhide may be? It's kind of rude to miss your daughter's birthday," I countered.

"No. We haven't seen them. Bee picked us up at the airport this morning and brought us straight here. If I knew, I would tell you," Mikaela told me. There was a strange glint in her eyes and I gave her a skeptical look but thought better of questioning her any further.

"How does it feel to be twenty years old?" Leo asked me.

I blew my hair out of my face and propped my feet up onto the coffee table.

"It doesn't feel any different. I've felt the exact same since I turned eighteen," I answered him.

He laughed. "I'm sure when you turn twenty one that normal feeling will go away. I know it went away when I turned twenty one," he explained.

I squinted my eyes at him. "You're a twenty one year old freshman in college?"

"I was held back in kindergarten," he mumbled.

I chuckled. "Oh."

The front door burst open and Ironhide's holoform walked in. He stopped when he saw us all sitting in the living room, his blue eyes meeting my own.

"How nice of you to join us," I baited.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Get up, both of you," he instructed Adalyn and I.

I pouted.

"Why?" she asked him.

"Just do it. Go change into appropriate attire. The two of you are coming with me," he told us.

I huffed and stood up before running up the stairs to my room, Adalyn following closely behind me. I ran directly to my suitcase and rushed to pick out an appropriate outfit. After picking out a burgundy sweater, my charcoal grey leather jacket, a pair of black skinny jeans and my grey ankle boots along with a light grey knit, infinity scarf.

Very quickly, I changed out of my pajamas and into my new outfit. After changing, I let my hair down, not even bothering to worry about putting on any makeup. I walked out of my bedroom and headed back down the stairs to see Ironhide leaning against the railing while Adalyn stood by his side.

"Where are my idjit friends at?" I inquired.

Ironhide turned to face me. "Outside. Let's go," he told me.

I stopped on the second-to-last stair.

"Wait. Tell me where we're going or I'm staying here," I insisted.

He rolled his eyes before throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed and attempted to get him to put me down but he wouldn't budge. He only continued walking out the door. Bumblebee was still sitting in our driveway and I could see Sam's figure in the driver's seat. I didn't even get the chance to wave to him before Hide sat me down in the passenger's seat of his alternate mode.

*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*

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