You're Strong

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

There was a loud clap of thunder outside and my eyes shot open. I sat up and looked around at my room. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon and the room was very dimly lit; the rain from last night still had yet to quit and there was a very good chance that it would continue throughout the day.

I looked down to see that Sam was sound asleep. Instead of waking him, I quietly got up from my bed and headed over to my closet. I picked out basically the same outfit I had been wearing yesterday: a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top, my black leather jacket with a hood, and my black ankle booties. I didn't particularly feel all colorful.

After grabbing my clothes, I headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I washed my body hastily and got out before I could begin thinking about how shitty my life has become. Quickly, I dried myself off and changed into my clothes. I didn't bother putting on any makeup and I decided it would be best to leave my hair up in its bun.

I left the bathroom and went over to grab my phone of off the bedside table. I clicked the home button and the screen lit up, four text messages from my mom flashed on the small screen. I sighed and quickly locked my phone before laying it back down on the table.

I padded over to the door and opened it as quietly as I could without waking Sam. After shutting it, I walked across the hall to his room and knocked on the door. In moments, the door opened to reveal Sharsky. He smirked and looked me up and down before meeting my eyes. I made a face and scratched my head.

"Azalea Lennox. Long time, no see," he greeted me.

"Where's Leo?" I asked him.

He scoffed. "Since when are you and Leo friends?"

"Since we spent a week in Egypt together fighting for our lives. I figured he'd tell you. Where is he?" I pressed.

He sighed and turned around. "Leo!" he called.

I heard shuffling inside the room and before long Leo was in front of me. I smiled at him.

"Hey, Lea. What's up?"

I shrugged. "Just came to get you. We're going to get lunch so let's go," I told him.

He chuckled and walked out of his room, shutting the door behind him. The two of us walked down the hallway and down the steps before heading out the building door. I nearly forgot that it was raining.

"So, how are you?" Leo asked me as he pulled his hood up. I frowned and pulled mine up as well.

"I'm not okay, but I'm trying to be," I told him. He looked at me and I shoved my hands into my jacket pocket.

"Don't try to force yourself to be okay, Azalea. It isn't going to work. Just by looking at your face right now I can tell that you are way past broken. You're nowhere close to being even remotely okay so stop trying to be it," he told me.

I gulped and looked down at the ground.

"I just don't want to feel this way anymore, Leo. I need him," I said quietly.

My emotions were getting the better of me. Leo stopped and grabbed me by the shoulders before turning me to face him. He wiped my face with his thumb and sighed.

"Stop crying. Like your dad said yesterday, you're Azalea Lennox. You're strong."

I sniffed.

"I might seem strong, but I break. I'm getting really tired of losing people, Leo. First Braelynn, then my mate and my entire family. I did nothing to deserve having them taken away from me."

He looked confused. "Who's Braelynn?" he inquired.

I smiled as the tears flowed down my face. "She was and still is my best friend. She was killed by a Decepticon two years ago on her fucking birthday. No one understands how much I need her right now though. She could always help me through any situation, but now that she isn't here, I'm stuck," I croaked out.

The next thing I knew, Leo had me wrapped in a comforting hug. I hugged him back and cried into his shirt. He gave me one last squeeze before pulling away from me. He looked at me and wiped my tears yet again.

"You listen to me. You're going to stop crying, okay? I need you to stop crying," he told me.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay. I think I'm good," I whispered.

He just smiled at me and pulled me into the cafeteria with him. There were quite a lot of people inside and I wasn't particularly thrilled about the noise level; it was only giving me an insanely painful headache.

Leo and I walked over to the bar to grab some food. I shoved everything into a brown paper bag and walked back over to Leo who was by the drink bar. Personally, I didn't feel like sitting in here with all of these people and I felt that I needed to bring Sam some food, so Leo and I agreed to go back to my room to have breakfast.

After he finished loading up his cup with a mixture of drinks, he turned back to me. I gave him a look.

"Mountain Dew and Pepsi?" I inquired as we walked out of the building. He smirked and took a sip of it while I grimaced at him.

"It's actually good. Try it," he said while shoving the cup in my face. I shook my head and pushed the cup back towards him.

"No thank you. I don't drink soda," I chuckled.

He gave me an estranged look but continued sipping his drink. Before long, the two of us reached our dorm. I shoved the door open and climbed up the stairs to our floor. We walked for a bit before coming to my room. I pushed the door open and stepped in. Sam was still fast asleep and I chuckled before walking over to him.

"Sam. It's like one thirty in the afternoon. Wake up," I called as I shook him.

He groaned and rolled over, pulling the comforter over his head. I laughed and yanked it off of him.

"Sam, wake up. I brought you food."

This seemed to grab his attention. He shot out of bed and looked at me. I shoved the bag of food into his face and he smiled. He began unloading the bag and I sat down in one of the bean bag chairs while Leo sat down in the one beside me and started eating his food. I grabbed the remote off of the bedside table and switched on the TV.

There was absolutely nothing remotely good on TV as I surfed through the channels. I stopped though when I came to one of the movie channels. Night At the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian was playing so I set the remote down on the floor and sunk down into my chair.

I grabbed my pack of powdered donuts from Sam and opened them up before shoving one of them into my mouth.

"Are you sure you want to watch this?" Leo asked me.

I just nodded.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" I chuckled.

"I've never liked this movie. I find it to be very strange."

Sam scoffed.

"Well, do you have anything better to do or to watch? Last time I checked it was storming outside and there's nothing else except children's shows to watch on TV. Shut up," he laughed.

Leo just pouted and sipped his drink.

"As long as I have you two here, I'll be moderately okay," I said to them.

"Aw. I feel loved for once," Leo laughed.

I just smiled and shook my head at him. Hopefully my worries would disappear for just a single day. That's all I needed and I think I deserved that much.

*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*

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