Thank You

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

This ship was entirely too big for my liking. It was like a labyrinth to me but that had only been because I had never been on it before. Aside from the never ending hallways, it was quite a beautiful vessel.

Soldiers and other workers bustled through the halls and into different rooms. My dad even passed us but was too busy taking care of his situation to talk to us.

Ironhide led me to an elevator and we stepped on. He pressed the top button and soon enough we began moving. I gripped his hand tightly and he pulled me closer to him.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked him.

"You'll see in about three minutes."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal a large packing area. Forklifts rolled around the floor and workers were running and unpacking goods. Hide quickly pulled me to another elevator, this one only had two buttons on the inside. He pressed the one with the letter D printed on the middle and in seconds we were rising.

Another ding could be heard and the doors opened. The evening sun shone in my eyes and I stepped out of the cubicle to see dozens of airplanes and machinery. We were on an aircraft carrier. Workers strolled along the deck and I frowned.

"Why are we up here?"

He pointed further out and I focused my sight to see that all of the Autobots were parked along the side of the deck aside from Optimus who stood at the very end of the runway looking out at the ocean. A small figure approached him and I noticed it to be Sam. A few yards behind him Mikaela, Leo, and Simmons stood. I smiled and turned back to Hide.

"Are you coming with me?" I asked him.

He nodded and the two of us began walking towards the small group of people I had become incredibly close with over these past few days. Our footfalls caught the attention of Mikaela and she turned around. Her eyes met mine and she smiled before running over to me, hugging my neck lightly. I let go of Hide's hand and hugged her back.

"It's good to see you back with the living," she teased.

Leo and Simmons ran over, Leo hugging me gently. "I was starting to think I'd never see you again."

I patted his cheek. "Was baby Leo upset?" I cooed. He smacked my hand away and I laughed.

"He was more than upset actually," Simmons started. Leo cut him off by clamping a hand over his mouth.

"I'd much rather not try to compete with her twenty foot tall alien boyfriend. Shut up," he tried to whisper.

I raised a brow and Hide grunted before pulling me closer to him in a possessive manner. Simmons pushed his hand away and laughed while Mikaela just rolled her eyes at their little exchange. My eyes rolled over to Sam and Optimus who still stood, staring out at the ocean in front of them. The two of them still hadn't noticed my arrival. I removed myself from Ironhide's side and started towards the two of them, eyes on me as I did so.

Once I approached Sam, I placed a hand on his shoulder and he shot around instantly to face me. His expression changed from that of confusion to happiness and he picked me up in a bone crushing hug. I laughed and hugged him back before he set me down on the ground.

"You're okay. I was beginning to think I would never see that smile again," he chimed.

I chuckled. "Did you and Leo think I was going to die or something? He just said the same thing to me."

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