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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Currently I was sitting on the couch with Adalyn, the movie Avatar was playing on the flat screen TV in front of me, but I wasn't paying much attention to it. The only thing I was worried about was Ironhide. He had been gone since about ten o'clock this morning and it was now eight o'clock at night.

My parents and Annabelle went out about three hours ago and they had yet to return either, but honestly I wasn't particularly worried about them. Whenever Ironhide got angry, he was very impulsive, much like I was, so I was kind of afraid he'd gone off and done something stupid, like blow up the Lincoln Memorial or something like that.

"Are you okay, Lea?" Adalyn asked from beside me.

I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, because this morning you said the same thing yet you went full ape shit once Ironhide walked into the room," she teased.

"I didn't particularly lie to you. The only reason I was even remotely okay was because of the dream I had last night, but I was still mad at Ironhide for what he said," I explained to her.

She gave me a curious look. "What was your dream about?"

I sighed and leaned my head against the back of the couch.

"It was about Braelynn, my friend who was killed by a Decepticon two years ago. I went to sleep listening to an old song we used to love and she showed up in my dream. She tried to assure me that her death wasn't at all my fault and that she didn't understand why he would even think about saying something like that to me," I answered her.

Her eyes were wide. "I think stuff like that is so cool. That's the kind of stuff that makes me believe in ghosts," she said excitedly.

I chuckled. "It isn't the first one I've had. Three months ago, I had one because of the whole being separated from Ironhide ordeal. She assured me then that I wouldn't be away from him for much longer and then told me to wake up and answer the door before my roommate got impatient with me. I woke up to answer the door and there you were," I told her.


I nodded. "Apparently she's always around. It's weird, but I believe she's here. She sure has proven to me that she is," I laughed.

"That is so cool," she exclaimed.

I smiled and jumped up as the front door burst open. Ironhide's angry, lesser form walked in and I got up abruptly, strolling over to him. He refused to look up from the floor as I approached him and I frowned, taking his face in both of my hands.

"Ironhide, look at me," I pleaded.

He sighed and finally looked up from the floor. He met my eyes for a split second before his focus shifted to my left cheek. He brought a hand up to my face, his thumb gently rubbing the tender spot. Before I knew it, I was being enveloped in a protective hug. Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry," he spoke quietly. I sighed and pulled away from him before turning to Adalyn who was watching us curiously.

"I'll be back momentarily," I told her.

She just smiled and nodded before turning back around to face the TV. I grabbed Hide's hand and lead him up the stairs and into my bedroom. After shutting the door, I walked over and plopped down onto my bed while Ironhide sat at the foot of my bed.

"Feel free to say what you were going to say this morning before you took off," I instructed.

"I apologize for what I said last night. You know I didn't mean it," he responded.

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