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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The ride back to wherever Sam and them had been hiding out took a little over an hour. All I knew was that it was nearing dark. Mudflap drove for about ten more minutes until coming to a large brick structure. He slowed down as he came to the entrance. After driving through, we rounded the corner and up ahead of us was a large field.

Mudflap stopped before coming to the field. He opened the door for me and I got out before he transformed behind me. In front of me, Mikaela stood by Bumblebee who was sitting in the field beside an old car but there was no sign of Leo or even Sam. She saw me and ran over to me before hugging my neck.

"It's so good to see that you're okay," she exclaimed.

I hugged her back and she lead me over to the old car. The area looked rather comfortable. There was a fire and at least five chairs around it. Mikaela sat down in one of them and I sat down beside her.

"Where's Sam and Leo at?" I asked her.

She sighed but before she could speak, a gate creaked open. I turned my head to see Sam walking slowly through the gates, a look of sadness and fear on his face and it pained me to know the reason why. I stood up with Mikaela as he walked over to us.

He hugged Mikaela tightly and she rubbed his head in a comforting motion. He let go of her and looked at me, a single tear rolling down his face. I frowned and engulfed him in a hug.

"There's nothing we could have done, Sam."

"It's just so good to see you, Lea."

He pulled away and looked at Mikaela and I. "Are you two okay?" he asked us.

I nodded.

"Yeah," Mikaela said.

Sam proceeded on over to stand in front of Bee and I sat back down in my chair to listen to him.

"Bee. If you hate me, I understand."

Bumblebee whirred and looked away, causing me to frown. The sadness in the air made me almost want to cry.

"I messed up. I'm sorry," Sam continued. Seeing my friend so vulnerable pained me.

"Young fella-you are-the person I care about most in my life. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away," Bumblebee's radio sounded.

My heart lurched in my chest. Sam walked over to sit in front of Mikaela. She rubbed his arm comfortingly.

"Me and Azalea; he's dead because of us. He came here to protect us and he's dead," Sam said, a few tears falling down his face.

The tears burned in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I was just happy that Sam didn't only blame himself for this.

"Some thing you just can't change. His sacrifice for us will not have been in vain, hallelujah!" the radio sounded again.

This time a tear slipped from my eye. Right now I was really wishing I had called Mudflap at a later time to come get me. This was far more depressing than I thought it would be.

"I'm going to make it right. I'm going to turn myself in," Sam said.

I stood up. "Are you crazy? You're not turning yourself in. I didn't come all the way here just for you to give up so easily, Samuel," I chastised him.

Bee stood up as well. "She's right. We've got to stick together," he said as he transformed.

Sam walked over to Bumblebee and Mikaela sat back down in her seat, as did I.

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