Close Encounters

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

For the past week or so I had been bed ridden, attempting to get rid of this horrid flu. The only time that I was ever out of my room was for Thanksgiving day and even that didn't last long for me. After taking one bite of ham, I nearly vomited all over the dining room table. Even so I nearly almost killed myself while running to the bathroom; it appears that moccasins and laminate flooring do not go together. It was rather embarrassing if I did say so myself.

Thankfully, my potentially fatal illness subsided just two days after the horrid dinner though I still couldn't really talk. I could say a few words but an entire sentence was almost impossible to say. My vocal chords felt as if they were ready to fall out and the pain was horrible. Also, not being able to talk for over the period of a week was rather aggravating. Adalyn had assured me that withing another week or so, my voice would be back to normal but it still anoyed me. My dad thought it was funny though so he ended up buying me a small white board as a joke; he only received a small beating after that.

Currently, I was at the base with Adalyn. Ironhide had decided that I deserved some much needed time to catch up with my second family since I was better now. I loved the idea more than anything and was more than happy to head back down to the base which was a whole lot livelier now that Galloway was gone.

Right now, the two of us were just relaxing in my dad's office. The past ten hours I had spent here were absolutely eventful. I managed to catch up with all of the Autobots and their holoforms, but without my voice it was kind of hard for me to carry on a proper conversation with them. This caused me to bring up taking the sign language classes with Bumblebee. He only laughed at me, much to my despair.

Despite the productivity of my day, I was increasingly hungry. After barely eating for a week because of being sick, it had quite the effect on me after I recovered. For the past two days I had been nonstop hungry. My mom had to go to the store twice a day just to get more groceries because I had eaten nearly everything in the house. Ten hours without eating most definitely didn't help me in that department; if anything it just made me angry.

I groaned and removed my feet from atop my father's desk, earning a questioning look from Adalyn who was laying down on the couch he had in his office, reading a fashion magazine. I didn't know why he had those types of magazines in his possession but I thought better to question him about it.

"Is something wrong?" Adalyn inquired.

I nodded. "Hungry," I whispered.

She closed the magazine and tossed it on the table before getting up from the couch. "What do you want? They have a break room don't they?"

I nodded and grabbed a piece of paper and pen.

'All they have in there are snacks though. It's very rare that they have actual food. I want something good. Like McDonald's.'

She chuckled. "Well, there's a McDonald's just across the bridge and up the street a few blocks. Do you have any money with you?"

I frowned and shook my head when I realized I had left my wallet and my debit card at home. The only other option was asking my dad and he, for some reason, always had cash on him. I picked up the pen and jotted down more words.

'I'm almost certain William has some money. We could ask him.'

She smiled as she read my dad's name. It was so strange to me just how "in love" she was with him. It creeped me out to say the least but it also gave me a good laugh every once and a while.

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