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🎶Song of the day 🎶

I think I....- Eunha Gfriend cover (Full House OST)


-R A Y E O N-

"Shh... It's okay Yeon... I paid them to delete the footage of you on stage so please look at me..."Taehyun shushed and rubbed my shoulders to calm me down but I was just too embarrass to even say a single word at anyone now.

I can't even afford to push him away but I let him because he's trying his best to comfort me with Soobin. Soobin's gone now to the bakery because he said that he'll treat me breads so I would forget the incident few hours ago.

I just let my head down, still horribly traumatized on what happened to me because I just ruin my own image infront of hundreds of people but here's Taehyun still comforting me who's shivering in fear and trauma right now.

"Listen Yeon... Look at me "He said in a soft  voice as he placed a finger under my chin and lifted my chin up so I can look at him.

"You're beautiful for who you are. You're perfect to me so never deny it. If I say you're perfect and I mean it sweet heart. It's not your fault and we're trying to find the cause of the accident. So cheer up my friend and heads up princess and pick up that crown of yours" he continued and gave me a smile that shows his cute dimples when suddenly a human popped in between us and pulled us away from each other.

"Quit romancing and let's just eat "A voice said and shoved two breads into my mouth and Tae's.

I glared at the angel who I named 'Kai' as Soobin stood beside him with a transparent plastic bag full of bread.

"Eat it because Hueningie just treated all of us breads when I'm in the bakery in exchange of him rubbing my belly for 10 minutes " Soobin said innocently as Kai rubbed his stomach like its his Plushie with a big smile across his face. I stared at the angel who just developed a new personality and he gave me the look as like asking me what's wrong if I made new friends on earth? Before he averted his attention to the tall boy beside him and poked his belly.

"Aigoo, I just love human's bellies. And just call me Kai but i don't mind if you call me that name" he chuckled and finally stopped poking.

I ate the bread that was in my mouth until Beomgyu came and sat between me and Taehyun as he put both hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay now lion? I brought you some ice cream because ice cream cheers you up when you're sad "He asked and placed a small bucket of ice cream he brought with him on my lap.

"just give it to me, I'll eat it on her behalf because she's not responding "Kai said and grabbed the ice cream bucket from me but I was fast enough to snatched it from his hand before he can run away.

"Don't. Touch. My. Precious. Baby. You. Troublesome. Angel "I glared at him and he let it go while I was tugging onto the ice cream bucket too hard causing me to stumble back a bit.

"She's fine now "He declared as Taehyun gave him a thumbs up for his brilliant idea to test me if I am now back to my senses or not.

"Do you still have the dress you wore just now Rayeon-sshi? I need to check something "Taehyun suddenly questioned as I nodded and passed him the dress that I hid beside me all along after changing few hours ago as Beomgyu threw his attention to the dress too and scooted closer to Taehyun. I took a peek at them and they are now holding the strap that snapped just now during the show.

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