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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Let me in (20 cubes) - Enhypen


- R A Y E O N -

Our loud laughs filled the atmosphere of the calming night as Kai quickly searched for a tissue to wipe his face since he just got a spaghetti coming out from his nose due to laughing too much.

I was holding my stomach already and I could feel some tears from the edge of my eyes as I wiped it once we calmed down a bit.

A question popped up in my mind suddenly and I decided to ask it out now at the one and only Einstein of our group Taehyun to see if he could answer my curiousity that I've been thinking of lately.

"Yah Taehyun-ah, your smart brain works 24 hours right? If you do then might as well you answer my question that's been stuck in my head these days. If we sit, do we say our butts sitting on the seat or our butts lying down on the seat? " I nudged Taehyun's elbow and he averted his attention from his phone which he just checked on for any messages to me before making this wondering face.

"In my op-"

"Butts we are speaking, how many butts do we actually have Taehyun-ah?" Kai asked while chewing his meatball he haven't finished since just now.

"It's 'speaking of butts ' not 'butts we are speaking '. For me I would say that our butts are lying down and we have two butts. One butt is like incomplete so you got to have two butts. One butt is the left side and the right one is butt number two so both of it makes it two butts, we can't say that both of it as one because it's splited into two "Taehyun stood up and made a conclusion after pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose looking like a handsome nerd answering the teacher's question.

It's quite rare of him to wear glasses as he usually wear his contact lenses but he still looks handsome with or without it.

"But don't we have one butt?" Yeonjun protested as he stood up from his seat and shook his head fast.

"Explain in your own words and elaborate your answer please "Taehyun instructed like a teacher, now turning cool as the rest of us that was sitting 'OOOH' at the two guys.

"Well, imagine if there are two men standing beside each other-"

"UWUU what are they doing standing together?" Soobin asked as Yeonjun bit his lip trying to be calm.

"Just....standing there. Okay let's resume, so in that case, do we say they have four butts? No right? It's still two butts. A butt is the whole butt and if you ask how many buttcheeks do we have then it's two buttcheeks but butts is always one for a person. You just can't simply come up to a group with 6 people saying they have twelve butts right? "he made an explanation while illustrating it using his hands as Taehyun nodded his head, probably agreeing at his words maybe.

"Are you saying that the 6 people is us? because in my opinion we have two butts like taehyun said... "Kai spoke up his opinion siding with Taehyun.

Though Yeonjun's explanation seems convincing but I think Taehyun's opinion makes more sense for me as I scooted closer Taehyun and clung onto his arm like Kai did to his other arm indicating we're on his side.

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