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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Maze in the mirror- TOMORROWXTOGETHER


+ this song always makes me cry and relieved and I really love this song that Beomgyu wrote (if I'm not mistaken it's him) because I can relate with the lyrics and in my case, my mirror is the place where I stare at myself and say everything is fine when I'm not okay. Looking at the mirror just makes me realize I should cherish myself more.

-R A Y E O N-

"Choose now. It's either me...or him"

I looked at both of them and both have confident looks at them but Beomgyu looked more confident which I assumed he's really confident that I'll choose him over Yeonjun.

Sorry honey but I ain't choosing you at the moment since I'm too embarrassed and a bit upset to even face you.

I pushed Beomgyu's hand that is holding my hand slowly and Yeonjun grinned a bit knowing he won.

I scoffed and released Yeonjun's hand too and walked away in a speedy way when I saw Kai walking crossing the zebra cross about to reach the same sidewalk where we're at.

I linked arms with Kai and whispered at him to walk faster too since they are chasing after us now.

"Why are those two chasing us? I don't remember doing any sin or messing up with any of them "the angel panicked but I shook my head fast.

"just walk fast. Beomgyu suddenly asked me to choose between them for god knows why so I chose none of them. Anyways I hope you didn't see what happened just now "I groaned and he stared at me with a blank face.

"Good then. Just Bring me to you guys at where you hang out, I know you're hanging out without me again " I whispered half scolding him and he gave me a sheepish smile.

"But shouldn't you choose your soulmate first before someone else? " he wiggled his eyebrows as I glared at him.

"you wouldn't understand a girl's feelings, sheesh I'll tell you later what happened "


"To the left again YES THAT'S IT UGH THIS IS JUST SO SATISFYING TO SEE " Taehyun ordered as Soobin put up a banner with the help of me too as we taped the corners properly so it won't fall off from the wall.

"so what's next? Ahh where's the mic.."Taehyun asked and ticked on the small box of his checklist that is almost finished as Soobin lifted me up slowly from the waist by stepping on a stepping stool since I was standing on high stacks of boxes just so I can reach the ideal height to put the banner.

There is only one ladder and the other students need it to put up other decorations on the hall so we just use boxes and a stepping stool.

As you can see, we're actually trying to help to put up decorations and whatsover for tomorrow which is Taehyun's election as the school's president. Yes that guy was chosen.

And I guessed that's why Yeonjun said that they are hanging out near the location of his hotel when it's actually a shop selling party props decorations.

Photograph; CBG Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now