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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Boyfriend -Big Time Rush ft. Snoop Dogg


-R A Y E O N-

My hands gripped on both sides of the bed to support my body to sit straight as soon as I woke up from my dream only to startle someone beside me who's napping but his sense seems to triggered him that he woke up too.

The first thing that came into my mind is; where's the boy who saved me?

"Where is he? "I asked and was ready to jump off the bed but he stopped me.

" he's in the other room just changing his clothes since its soaked. Just calm down and rest your legs, I know it still hurts and aish.... Why didn't I notice that your hand is injured "Beomgyu informed and as soon as he said that, he took the first aid box and pulled a chair to sit at facing the bed so he can treat my hand while I'm sitting on the edge of the bed.

He first cleaned the dried blood and applied some cream to the big scratch which I winced in pain everytime the cream came in contact with the wound before he covered it up with a plaster so bacteria won't easily come in my body from my wound or else I would get sick easily.

"Done " he said in satisfaction and I was actually expecting for him to let my hand go but instead he still held it and before I knew it, he planted a kiss on it softly before looking up at me.

"now it's really done. Need anything for me to get or help with? Or maybe clothes in case you want to sleep in the medic room for tonight" he offered but i shook my head slowly as I could feel my cheeks burning already.

My cheeks are betraying me. Oh how do you all act play hard to get? Like I need some tips or lessons people.

I can't just learn how to control my expressions from the animals in National Geographic channel. Unless I'm going to act like one or plotting a plan on how to kill people and slice them to pieces  then I'll learn from there.

"I'll go to my tent after this and it's okay, I don't need anything " I said and we were there staring at each other but something decided to ruin the scene when the door burst open revealing someone drying his hair with a small towel hanged around his neck as I pushed Beomgyu away without hesitant and acted like nothing happened.

"I'll be going now I guess "Beomgyu gathered himself up and rushingly went to the door to leave us alone as the boy turned back his attention back to me.

"So how are you feeling now? "he asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not sure but I think I'm fine for now. Thank you for saving me...again though it's embarrassing "I gave him a sheep smile as he laughed and shook his head.

"why would you be embarrassed, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I know it's late already but I can't sleep and I need accompany for me to talk with. Wanna chat with me? Only if you want to but if not then it's fine-"

"I would love to "I cut him off because he seemed a bit shy judging from his posture before his expression lit up and he immediately took a seat on the chair that Beomgyu sat at but the only difference is that the chair is now located a bit further from me due to me pushing Beomgyu just now when this guy popped in.

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