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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Because of you (my shy boss ost) - Kim EZ


-R A Y E O N-

His eyes were shining once we were about to walk past a store displaying countless of cameras, polaroid and many digital things as we stood in front of the window looking at all of them, feeling amazed.

He seemed excited to the point that he didn't realize that he was pulling my hand and dragged me with him inside the store as he we walked to the counter.

"Ah Ahjusshi... How much is the box of polaroids with no designs cost? "he asked a middle aged man behind the counter and he turned at him and smiled.

"It's 39,000 won for one box. Today is the offer day and since we want to restock new Polaroids that has new designs, you'll get another free one box of them if you purchase it "he informed with a smile as Beomgyu chuckled happily when he heard that great news.

It's a good deal though, and besides I accidentally photo bombed his last Polaroid by accident. But damn, I'm such a sexy model even in candid-okay I better stop and I know no one even asked for my opinion.

He took out three 10,000 won bills and then searched for the same amount or maybe 9,000 won left in his pocket but I noticed that he didn't have another bill.

He sighed and smiled at the shopkeeper but before he could open his mouth, I took the three 10,000 won bills from his hand and added my won that the angel gave me before handing it to the man. I know he was about to say he'll buy it next time or what because he looked upset when he didn't have enough money so why not help him?

"he'll take that generous offer sir "I smiled and the man nodded, giving him the change before taking two polaroid boxes and placed it in a white plastic bag. He gave it to him as we exited the store with a now happy guy beside me.

"thank you Rayeon-sshi, I'll repay you as soon as possible "he thanked me but I shook my head, declining it.

"No need to, you providing me shelter is already enough. Besides between the both of us, i'm the one that was supposed to pay you for staying in your place" I stated and I could see he was really happy upon hearing that.

Well, a good start though for meeting my client. Not like those from the dramas where they fight or argue and something like that. Guess my job here won't be that complicated because he's an easy going one.


"I'm sorry that my place is not like what you expected... I'm not an uptown boy or what like others "

He switched on the lights and some of the bulbs are flickering. His apartment room was small and his sofa looks old that some patches were sewn there to cover up the holes. There are not many things in there but one thing that stood out was the pictures hanging on a brown string on the walls.

"hey, don't worry about that, I don't care and besides...you're my client and I don't care if you're rich or not because I'm here, I'll help you out of the struggles in the process of finding your dream girl. Maybe you'll get yourself an uptown girl? Who knows?" I assured him as I sat comfortably at the sofa, despite of the condition but I don't care.

"And hey..can I call you bam? It suits you and it's the short form of bamboo "I asked him as he scoffed with his arms crossed to his chest.

"Then I'll call you lion to make things fair for both of us. Anyways, I'm going to sleep at the sofa while you'll sleep at my bed in the room. I'm really sorry that there's only one bedroom in here. This is the most affordable apartment room I can afford "

Photograph; CBG Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now