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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Cold Water- Major lazer feat Justin Bieber


-B E O M G Y U-

"Is she alright doctor? " I asked, stopping a doctor that just came out from Rayeon's hospital room and he nodded.

"She should be now. She's sleeping in the meantime after the panic attack that attacked her all of a sudden just now. I need to go now to check up on other patients " The doctor told the news as I sighed in relief after hearing that news and with that, he left me alone with a nurse trailing behind him as his assistant.

I really didn't mean it just now.

I was just blinded in rage and my ego added fuel to it. I let it all out at her as soon as she woke up without even thinking about how she'll react or feel. She must've been pressured and hate me now for hurting her feelings just like that.

My heart felt too heavy and guilt is surrounding my whole body as I rushed to the door so I can see her though she's resting now after the sudden attack.

A loud slam was heard just as I was an inch before entering the room as the person blocked my entrance and lifted up his gaze at me.

"what do you think are you doing now? Hurting her feelings once again and make her suffer like this? You sure really love this show aren't you? Playing with her feelings and making her believe you really like her when you actually protect the other girl without hearing Rayeon's side too. Wah you're really unbelievable. You should sign up in the acting agency for this "the boy scoffed after sarcastically shooting me with his words as I glared at him back.

"Move aside Kang Taehyun while I'm being nice with you. You don't know if I really like her or not so get your butt out of our business. Why? Jealous much that I spent more time with her? "I laughed ironically but he didn't seemed to digest my words well.

"why would I be jealous? I'm protecting her like a little sister from a guy like you. Any more protests or what? Because I need to kick you out 10 seconds by now "he gritted his teeth as we stared at each other exchanging glares and raising the tension between us who's standing on the entrance of the room when suddenly a hand repelled us from each other so we won't get close and fight for real.

"Woah Woah hold your ponies you two. No need to fight like kindergartens and let's just settle it like a proper adult. You can go now Taehyun if you want to because I'll keep an eye on her for now with Soobin after this. As for you Beomgyu, I'm sorry but please stay away from her for now because she had enough hurting today so I recommend you to not go inside and see her. Especially when she woke up "Kai calmed us down as he pushed Taehyun further inside the room who's still eyeing me.

"B-but i-" before I could say anything more, Kai went in and slammed the door on my face just like that and managed to shout a small sorry on the other side of the door for slamming the door right on my face.

I sighed and sat on one of the three chairs that was located beside the room and planted my face in my palms, feeling really distressed now with all the things that happened in the same day.


A day went by and I couldn't stop trying to get near her as possible since the time she woke up. But she seemed so mad at me to the point that she won't look at me and even eat a thing that I bought for her everytime I went to visit her at the hospital. I kept on trying to feed her and cheer her up but she just stared at the window, turning her back against me and when I come to that side and try to convince her to eat maybe a spoonful, she would turn on the other side and would try to avoid me as possible.

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