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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Blue Hour- 투모로우바이투게더 (TXT)



"ugh "I woke up and lifted my body to sit with my hands on the white floor for support as I tried to adjust my blurry vision with the bright lights of the white surroundings around me.

"the heck? Am I in a mental hospital room? Did I just banged the neighbor's head with a pan again and been thrown to the mental hospital for banging his head almost every night for shouting at his balcony?" I mentally asked myself and slowly stood up on my feet, holding my head with a hand, trying to recall things before my black out.

"You woke up" a chilly deep voice said from behind me and instead of a hot breath, a cold breath was felt near the nape of my neck.

"OH MY BURNING ROTTEN CHEESEBALLS" I screamed, feeling really startled at that surprise voice that pretty much caught me off guard, ready to turn around and flip that person with my white belt taekwondo skills or bite the person like a mad dog.

I turned around and my brain literally stopped functioning as I stood there with my hands on the air about to attack the person, but stopped when I saw that amazing well sculptured face of his.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I cleared my throat and put my hands down but still had that angry facade on so he'll know how much pissed I am at him for surprising me that bad.

"Welcome to hell "the man greeted as I let out a loud laugh upon hearing his greeting.

"this hell is much better than I expected "I responded sarcastically and that arrogant cool side of the boy infront of me changed drastically as he smiled making his eyes turned into a thin line while he was waving his hands a bit at me.

"I'm just kidding dear human. Welcome to the headquarters of afterlife, I'm Angel number 148 and I assumed you just died just now right? Ah yeah,why would you be sent here if you're not dead, haha silly me" the handsome man introduced himself as I gave him the look before pushing him aside making him stumble almost landing down on his butt. There was a long moment of silence between us, each of us giving different kinds of stares.

I gave him the eagle eyes stare while he gave me that innocent mouse-like stare if that even exists. So pretty much, it was awkward before I suddenly reacted.

"Move angel guy, cut the filming, what a great joke you're pulling at me. Just show yourself you cameraman! I know this is just a film and the movie crew kidnapped me to make me as the lead character in the movie because I'm a hottie. I know that you all "I boasted myself confidently, after pushing the poor guy aside and tried to locate the door but couldn't find one.

"Girl, I don't understand a single thing you just said but I only understand the joke part. I'm not joking so please cooperate with me well. You see.... I'm a newbie here and you're the first human I'm dealing but can't believe that you're so hard to deal. Even rocks is easier to deal, for me, you're even worse than a rock. I don't want to get fire so hear me out "He breathed out and I turned around to look at him.

"Look you curly hair cute guy, I just want to go home...please... I will apologize to my neighbor, make good deeds, return all the pens I borrowed from my classmates, be productive-"

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