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🎶 Songs of the day 🎶

-Just the way you are -Bruno Mars

-Sway -Covered by the Pussycat Dolls


-R A Y E O N-

A figure came out from the bathroom fully dressed in his usual clothes he wear at home while his hand dried his hair with a small towel hanging on his neck.

He came to me as soon as he saw me sitting on the floor near the power socket with a hair dryer on my lap as he sat in front of me waiting for me to dry his hair using the hair dryer.

I silently turned it on and leaned a bit to the front so I can have easy access to blow dry his hair when his hand suddenly helped me to put my hair to the back so it won't get on my view. I felt shivers through my spine yet I decided to just carry on and try to complete my mission.

"Care to tell me where did you slept last night?" my voice came out a bit hoarse as I cleared my throat and avoid gazes with him because my cheeks are starting to get hot.

"Don't worry I'm at Kai's place all along and I asked him not to tell you and I'm sorry for overreacting. About last time in the morning, I actually ran into Nana and she begged me to help her to make this someone believe that she actually is not interested in him and she already have someone because he kept on following her these time. I have to help her because she seemed scared and desperate so we got into act but I didn't know I fell for her tricks and turns out she was actually trying to show off infront of you and infront of that boy who just bullied me just now which is her boyfriend. She kept her secret of having a boyfriend all along and I just knew it too.I'm so sorry Rayeon-ah "He gave me a long explanation suddenly and apologized which made me burst into a laugh.

"it's okay, but you actually don't have to tell me the whole story that fast"

"And I'm sorry too for causing you trouble and got you suspended from school "he lowered down his head as I shook my head with a small smile before I patted his head.

"It's not your fault. I've been meaning to do that and now I did it so it's a once in a lifetime experience. Besides, it's not like it's the end of my life if I get suspended. It's just for a week, I can catch up with the topics and subjects you all learn and learn it fast because like I said, I've learned it in advanced before in my past life " I assured him and he nodded.

It's been a long time since we talked this comfortable and I finished hair drying his hair so I put it away and went to fetch a glass of water to quench my thirst.

Beomgyu came skipping to the kitchen, probably hungry because we haven't ate but I'm not even hungry so I just mind my own business while he searched for food in the fridge.

He paused and straightened his posture as he turned around to face me.

He is holding the slice of cake that I bought for him last time but didn't get the chance to give him.

Photograph; CBG Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now