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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Photograph -Ed Sheeran


-R A Y E O N-

I took one last look on the mirror, feeling satisfied as ever as I grabbed this small sling bag that comes with the floral dress he prepared for me as a surprise before walking my way out of the room.

There's no Beomgyu and not even a sight of him so I decided to go search for him to tell that he's next for the shower and at the same time too is to explore the place.

I searched from room to room as I stood in front of the last door that I haven't entered yet and pushed the slightly opened door slowly.

Sunlight beamed as I pushed the door more wider since the sunlight outside, shone so bright through the windows that's directly facing the door.

There he is.

Hanging polaroids up on a string that he set up on the wall, still haven't showered yet as he's still wearing that white t-shirt and black sweat pants.

He seemed to notice me staring around the room in awe after shutting the door silently as he turned around and spread his arms wide as like presenting his masterpiece that he made.

"TADAAA look! I hung our pictures according from time to time and look Rayeon-sshi! My 'Things I want to have ' are all crossed out!" he giggled excitedly as he let out a proud sigh.

I turned my head to the direction he pointed at and it's a wall that hung all of the things he wanted which I saw back in his apartment in Daegu the first time I stepped my foot in there. The picture of a kid's drawing was not crossed out but instead, it was surrounded by a drawing of a red heart.

I did it.

He's not the only one who accomplished many things but also me too, I fulfilled one of my wish to become his family just like I promised that night.

"And for best experiences, I prepared a sofa there for us to sit and stare at all the pictures in the room. In the future, I'll also bring our princes and princesses here so they'll know the story of how this ordinary boy met a queen back when we two were just teens "he continued again and at the thought of him mentioning 'Princes and princesses ' made me smile more.

It would be impossible now to even imagine that because it's been seven years since we survived. Seven... And now he's going to use up the polaroids again and I don't know how much longer we'll last again. Adding more seven years without using up the polaroids will be really impossible.

The end of my finger touched the polaroid that shows a picture of a kid's drawing and admired the small stick man that was holding both adult stick men together.

A soft strum interrupted my thoughts as I turned around once the sound of the strumming of a guitar filled my ears.

I strolled my way to Beomgyu who's now sitting on the sofa playing a beautiful music with his guitar as I stared on how focused he looked in this state.

Photograph; CBG Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now