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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

All of me - John Legend


-R A Y E O N-

I gained consciousness and felt something soaked wet resting on my forehead as i tried to open my mouth to say a word though it hurts a bit due to my dry lips attached together.

"Don't say a word,Just rest and stay at home. Your temperature is going down now luckily. Here, eat it and I need to make sure you take your pills "a voice interrupted my thoughts as the person helped me to sit after removing the damp cloth on my forehead and gave me a glass of water with a small pill for me to eat.

I swallowed the pill and chugged the water down on my throat before giving him who's offering a hand for me to give the glass back at him.

Who do you expect? But I guess you all guessed it wrong including me because it's unfortunately the angel.

"Where's beomgyu? And why are you here instead?" the first question that popped out in my mind was that as he bit his lip slightly before answering.

"He's at school and I forced him to leave and just let me take care of you because he needs to have a good school life going and besides, you all are going to face the biggest exam before graduating though and you two have to perform well "

Silence indulged after as I played with my fingers only until he decided to break the thick ice that was forming between us.

"so what are your plannings for him? Any predictions on how long you two would last?" he asked as I forced my brain to work but instead, only a hum came out.

"I'll just let him be with Nana and other girls "I answered simply and I guessed that really triggered him because he immediately stood up and gave me this unbelievable look.

"You're letting him with other girls? And not to mention but also with Nana? Wah you're so naive and too kind. Yah Im Rayeon, you should focus on making him yours. You know how he felt towards you and I know you have some feelings for him. Don't let the puppy go because if you do, it'll find a better owner. Oh wait, I just quoted it wrong but anyways, don't waste your chance instead of trying to set them up again like you used to. He's your soulmate you know "He scolded me like a grandma as I lifted both my hands signaling him to chill and sit back down.

"He's my soulmate was the reason why I'm doing this. He's still my friend and the string didn't make any difference between the both of us. Besides, I want him to enjoy life first and I want to make our soulmate string a surprise. I can't really predict how long we'll live because it depends on him who's using the camera"

"but I think that you two would live longer than I expected and probably for years because he's busy with school and work and plus, you two are growing up and would study more further so the time he'll spend on photography would be less. At least that's what I thought "he shrugged.

"Hmm I am seriously starting to thought that there is another reason why you're here instead of Beomgyu and I might need the answer now "I eyed him and I could see him chuckling to cover up his nervous face.

"There's nothing alright. Just stay at home, stay in this room with me and everything will. go smooth as a silk "he tried to convince me with his excuse but I ain't buying it so I gave him the look again.

"just stay with me. I can't tell and change but I can help to prevent it so please do as I say. You'll know it once you see it for yourself "


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