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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

A Song Written Easily -ONEUS


-R A Y E O N-

"Good morning lion "Beomgyu's voice chirped as I opened my eyes slowly only to have the bright sunlight attacking my eyes.

"Come on, we're the only ones left in the bus "he said softly but I was too tired so I shook my head not wanting to get off the bus.

"Aish this lazy lion " he giggled and without knowing, he pecked my forehead and gesture me to get on his back so he can carry me out of the bus.

I did so and buried my face on his neck with eyes closed ready to doze off once again because of his baby powder scent he always use. It smells calming and everytime I am near him, I could already smell his baby powder scent which reminds me of a baby though he looked more like a grown up dressed all in black like a bad boy.

"when I'm rich, I'll buy Choi Beomgyu an expensive men's perfume so he won't smell like baby powder again "my words came out muffled because I still have my head buried on his neck to gain heat and he hummed.

"And why is that so? I like baby powder and nothing's wrong with it "he said as he walked with me leeching on his back but what's surprising is that he didn't let me down when we're out of the bus yet he continued to walk away from the school to the path that will take us to his apartment.

"big boys should not wear baby powder. It's cute and if you keep on wearing that so, girls would like to be near you because you smell good like a baby. And why are we not getting our bags bam? " I asked, still not in my right state since I'm still drowsy but still want to keep talking.

"If you do buy me an expensive perfume then girls would likely to want to be near me because I smelled manly. Aigoo this sleepy girl still talking nonsense. Just sleep and don't worry about our bags, I already put it in our home earlier while you're still in the bus sleeping"

"Our home? "

"Yes our home sweetie. Now hold on tight because we're going to go to our territory by riding this spaceship named Bamboo "


My hands slowly wiped the cup of glass as I hummed a random tune I made up since the restaurant is not that crowded as usual and placed the glass nicely on the tray where all glasses were stored for the meantime when suddenly a boy came skipping to me like a happy pony.

"So...you're free to talk now with me? "Taehyun asked and leaned a bit so I could see his face since I am still facing the kitchen island.

"I'm not kakaotalk or whatsapp that's free to talk. I'm actually expensive so shoo peasant "I shooed him playfully and he rolled his eyes at me but still knows that I'm actually just joking.

"I have some tea for you tonight, wanna hear? Let's talk at there "he spoke up and dragged me to the staff break room so we can rest comfortably at the chairs.

"okay so you remember that guy that sang on stage at our last camp night? Well I heard that he's actually a Seoul person and he's currently staying at here for two weeks before going back to Seoul "He told me excitedly making me raised an eyebrow at him, trying to find what is he trying to say actually.

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