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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

So close -Jon McLaughlin (a song from Disney Enchanted)

-R A Y E O N-

Days passed by as I tried to accept the fact that Yeonjun is really now gone for good and all what's left was all our memories he spent with us and this stuffed bunny he gave me before he dissapeared in front of my eyes.

I tried to distract myself by working hard in my temperory job I'm working at which was the department store by folding clothes on the baby's section since some mothers came to the store to buy their babies new clothes as the store is now having a big sale.

But since it's almost closing time now as its already late at night, the store isn't that crowded and all I can see now are staffs and just a bit of customers who lined up at the counter to pay.

My hand reached out the final baby cloth which was a baby boy romper and held it up a bit with a small smile.

I purposely saved that romper the last one since I found it really cute so I just fold the rest earlier.

A second later, a pair of hands were now around my stomach as a head was resting on my shoulder, hugging me from the back.

The familiar touch and warmth made me instantly recognize who the person that's leeching on my back and hugging me out of nowhere.

"Done with your work? "I asked and the person nodded his head without saying a word.

I chuckled and proceeded to fold the baby romper when he suddenly held my hand, stopping me from folding it.

"Let's buy it, I noticed that you've been keeping it for the last and smiling "He said out of the blues as he let me go so I can face him.

"And what is it for? "

"Future purposes "He grinned as I glared and threw the romper at his face and moved some stacks of the clothes to arrange it properly since I know that man was just joking and just teasing me again.

"let's go home now sweetheart, it's an hour away from New Year now "that grinned turned into a small smile as I nodded and grabbed my bag from a cabinet and followed him by walking beside him.

"Rayeon-ah...if I'm rich, I'll buy this.. And that too! I'll own a fashion company and make a whole fashion line for you. I'll be the first young CEO and also I will be helping with the camera team. I'll build us a beach house so we can have private dates and see the sunset by the beach everyday. I want to buy everything you want and spoil you like a child. Let's travel across the globe too! How about going to the south pole and see penguins. Or maybe go to Sahara desert eating scorpions! Wouldn't that be romantic?" Beomgyu beamed as I could see that excited spark in him and those sparkles in his eyes as he fantasized each of it while we walk our way out of the department store.

"Only Choi Beomgyu have sorts of crazy ideas in his mind but despite of that, I'll do everything with you, except for eating scorpions in Sahara desert "I laughed as he sighed with a big smile while his hand grabbed for mine.

"Okay then, let's avoid that. But for real, I'm going to make that dream a reality. Give me time... Wait for me because if I'm really into that thing, I'll chase after it until I get it. It's Choi Beomgyu, no one can stop me so give me at least 8 years? I can see in that age, that I'm dancing with you together in our own beach house and my dreams came true " he predicted as I felt my heart softened yet hurt a bit looking at how happy he is right now planning his future and seeing himself 8 years later.

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