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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Love Poem- IU


- R A Y E O N -

"But what makes you say that it's me? "I asked slowly as he turned the Polaroid that was facing him so I can see the picture.

There,the picture displays a picture of my hand holding his hand which I am also sure that hand  holding his hand is me but that doesn't mean I'm the one.

"They couldn't find my soulmates file because my soulmate is you all along! And the future shows us that we're dating " he concluded eyes shining as he smiled ear to ear. He took grip on my arm and pulled me in a hug.

"but that didn't prove that I'm your soulmate "I spoke softly and was still in a surprised state.


"Look.. Angel, he believes that I'm his soulmate when I'm actually his matchmaker. That doesn't make any sense, and it's all because of that photograph "I sighed heavily , beginning to worry if Beomgyu's theory is wrong and that might hurt his feelings and pride.

"He might be right and there's a possibility that the reason why we couldn't find his soulmate file is because his soulmate is dead all along and reborn as his own matchmaker..."he agreed but then shook his head in disagreement after that because a debate started in his thoughts maybe.

"But then there's not enough proof to prove that you both are soulmates just because of a photograph. And what's weird is that camera, how can it capture the future too and I'm going to start investigate about that from the headquarters later. This never happened before but just keep him close with Nana and make that couple happen between the two of them to prove that his soulmate is her or maybe make him date other girls then you'll check the string of their soulmate? Aish I really don't know now and it's kinda frustrating to even plot a plan now "The angel groaned as he walked in circles inside beomgyu's shared room with me.

"Let's just help him practice shall we? Besides, tonight is the night for him to ask her out and I already booked a table for them. I'm not that rich to book the whole restaurant so instead let's just decorate their table with candle lights and maybe put balloons in the restaurant so the situation would be romantic "I suggested and he nodded as he lend a hand for me to grab and stand up from the floor with the help of his support as we walk our way to the living room.

Sure enough Beomgyu looked rather surprise knowing the angel's presence beside me when he didn't even entered the apartment from the front door and it's literally early in the morning and we're about to go to school.

"wait how did you get here-"

"OoOoo look at the time you two are probably late for school so go now and have fun! Remember to meet me at the school gate after school. Don't worry about both of your part time jobs, I already have someone to cover you up for tonight " He pushed both of us to the door but I stopped him.

"Woahh hold up! I'm going to work tonight because I'm not the one who's going to date or what "I halted but then Beomgyu tugged onto my hand and glanced at me.

"oh no you're going with me tonight sweetie. Now let's listen to him and go now. Here are the keys and thank you Kai for covering us for tonight" Beomgyu rushed as he tossed the keys at Kai and he caught it naturally with a nod.

Photograph; CBG Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now