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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Youth - Troye Sivan


-B E O M G Y U-

"Nana-shhi! "I finally caught up with her as she turned around and I could see her eyes widened looking at me.

"Beomgyu-shhi? Is this really you?" she gasped and I gave her a big smile and nodded.

"Wahh You really changed and it's really amazing. Your charisma finally showed so much now " she chuckled as I scratched at the back of my head nervously.

"Nah... It's nothing but thanks to my friend she changed me like this. So where are you going Nana?" I questioned and she lifted a paper bag to show it at me.

"I'm just going for a weekend shopping, nothing much. Wanna join me for a drink? I was about to go to that cafe around the corner but since you're here might as well tag along and it would be my treat "she offered as I took a quick glance at the lingerie shop where Rayeon was at.

My phone rang and I took the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Just go and spend time with her and don't even think of worrying about me. It's your chance to take your baby steps towards the love circle and maybe she's the one you've been waiting for. I'll pay for everything I buy first and just pay me back at home later. Have fun and don't forget to flirt with her " Rayeon instructed from the other line and before I could thanked her, she hung up making me breathe out a sigh.

I turned my attention back to Nana and nodded as we set off to the cafe. We chose our seats and she volunteer to ordered at the counter as I took my chance to have a quick search on how to flirt.

"number one...give them honest compliments... That should be easy so next... Have eye contact with them-wow I'm a pro in this thing...three is.. To ruffle their hair so they think that you consider them as cute . Okay I got it! " I cheered quietly and turned off my phone as Nana came back sooner than expected and sat opposite me with our drinks. I cleared my throat and slicked my hair a bit so I can have that bad boy vibes and began my mission.

"Nana... "I called her out and gazed at her puppy like eyes while she sipped on her ice blended chocolate drink using her straw.

"actually...your hair looks so beautiful today, I like it" I started and she smiled at my first step compliment because I'm actually not finished yet.

"Oh I curled it at a salon just now and I didn't know someone would actually like it "

"Your hairstyle is so cute that it reminds me of a white poodle and I think you should sleep more because your dark circles are a bit visible but it's still cute though " I complimented honestly but what makes me surprised is that her smile was now not that big like just now but more to a small smile.

"Thanks for your honest opinion " she nodded with her lips forming into a thin line and dimples shown a bit.

"Awe you're so cute" I awed and was about to ruffle her hair just like in the article but she immediately dodged it.

"No thanks. Oh wait... I forgot I have a designing club meeting this morning at the park, I got to go and I'm so sorry this was a short meeting "she apologized and stand up, gathering her things but before she left, she gave me her another beautiful smile and winked at me for the first time.

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