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Harry and Louis have
5 year old Mira birdie
4 year olds - Andro James Styles, Pax Zayn Styles
1 year old- Athena Grace Styles

Niall, Liam and zayn
5 year old- Kiran
3 year old- Willow
(And one on the way)

Louis sits quietly waiting in the office. His foot tapping against the floor as his nerves rocket sky high. The discomfort he feels in his stomach causing his face to scrunch up and a frown to place among his features.

Checking the time again he sees his appointment is 5 minutes away. He wishes the time away as a crap begins to fester in his stomach. He recognises the feeling but the doesn't stop the worry from blooming.

"Louis Styles" he shoots up out of his seat as he hears his name being called. Following the lady into the office behind where he sees a familiar face.

"Hey Alex" his voice soft as he sits on the bed.

"Hey Lou, what's worrying you that you had to book an emergency appointment?" His face etched with worry. Alex has been their family doctor for years now and for Louis to come alone worried him

"I'm pregnant-"

"Congratulations" Alex exclaims loudly before Louis could finish

"But my stomach is cramping and I've experienced spotting... I just want to check."

"Okay, I'm sure everything okay but we'll do a quick scan and check everything out okay"

Alex is quiet for a few moments while Louis anxiously waits.

He hears a chuckle "Louis you can open your eyes, look here's your bubba.  Your actually just out of your first trimester at 14 weeks. Your baby is now the side of a peach... perfectly healthy from as far as I can see. Now I cannot 100% guarantee the sex until the 16 weeks mark but I do have an inkling if you would like to know."

Louis should relax with relief at he looks at the screen, he had been so terrified something was wrong.

"No.... I would want my Hazza with me to find out the sex. Why was my stomach hurting so bad?" His little lips pout without realising as he wipes the gel of his stomach

"Well... have you been feeling stress? You know that at this time your stomach can feel tender and sore and even cramp as he grows and gets used to the changes to your body while preparing for stretching. However, the spotting you've experienced came be normal but also be caused by stress"

"Erm well... I've been a little stressed. H has been working a lot and things have been weird... I guess I'm worrying a bit" his shoulders slump as he thinks of all the pressure he's been putting on himself.

See I told you all this stress is bad. Leo grumbles

But you agreed Harry's being weird


"Look Louis, I don't know what's going on but I know it's extremely important for you to relax as much as possible. I'm prescribing you the normal prenatal vitamins you'll need. Take them as you have before. Now outside of my doctor role, and more as your friend please talk to Harry. I'm sure he's stressed to"

Louis nods along smiling lightly but cannot stop the sadness and worry he feels.

It's not long before Louis is collecting his vitamins and making his way back to his car. Checking his phone he sees no missed calls or texts.

Just call him. He's our alpha for gods sake

Filling the number quickly Louis waits patiently for Harry to answer which he does just before it goes to voicemail

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