Chapter 20

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Hi lovelies, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Warning- mention of medical stuff that could be incorrect please dot come for me. I did research what I could. Also character death... sorry

"I'm sorry sir, we did everything we could."

Niall stares at the doctor listening intently... he wasn't sure how to feel

"He was shot in the chest, the bullet ricocheted of his ribs and pierced his heart. It was a miracle that he survived long enough to make it to the hospital."

He winces.... he already knew it was a miracle. It was a miracle he also stayed conscious

"He lost so much blood, we tried surgery to repair the damage but unfortunately he died on the operating table. I'm so sorry for your loss..."

I'm so sorry for your loss

I'm so sorry for your loss

I'm so sorry for your loss

It echoes in Niall's head on a never ending loop. He's not sure how to feel. It's like he feels nothing,nothing at all. So much has gone wrong... He can't seem to make sense of everything that's happened in the last 12 hours.

Niall had arrived just before the police had gotten to Harry and Louis' house. As soon as he had heard his pack alpha's voice echo through his head, there was no doubt he needed to be there. His need to protect his friend and his own alpha had overpowered his own sense of safety, he rushed into the house and his heart stopped beating at seeing his poor alpha laid beaten on the floor.

That's how Liam had found him only moments later cradling his alpha's limp body, blood staining his clothes. The sight was truly heartbreaking.

Niall looks down to his shaking hands blood still staining them but honestly he's not sure who's blood it is. So much had happened. So much blood had been spilt. He turns and walks back to his seat... where he has been for the past 2 hours waiting for answers.

He's alone and honestly he feels every second of this loneliness. His omega once again whines for his mates. Liam is still dealing with the arrest which Niall is angry about. He needs him now. Zayn needs him.

Sighing he sits back, his heart pounding and just waiting for more news.

He doesn't know how long he's sat there before he hears a throat being cleared. Looking up he sees a doctor, a different doctor. They all had different doctors. The doctor has a slight grimace on his face and Niall is praying that it doesn't mean what he thinks it may mean.

"We are sorry it's taken a while for us to update you."

The doctors pauses looking down at the omegas hands before sighing and beginning to speak again

"Okay... so he suffered what we call an open skull fracture. We've had to run a series of tests and we are happy that this will heal on its own however it may take a while- most fractures heal from 6-8 weeks. Now he had a badly broken nose which we have had to reset. What we are concerned with is that he is not waking up. We think his wolf  is taking more time to heal but we cannot be sure.  He may have some serious affects from his head injury... such as slurred speech, amnesia, seizures or possibly loss of senses. We won't know for sure until he wakes up."

Niall stares ahead no longer looking at the doctor. It's not great news but at least he's not dead. Yet. The cynical part of his brain finishes.

"Can I sit with him?" He questions meekly

"We're sorry... we think it best to wait until he wakes and we know the full severity of his injuries."

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