Chapter 14

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Hi lovelies, here's another update. I hope you enjoy it

The first thing Harry realises as he wakes up is that there's a warm body upon his. The second is that his cock is rock hard and held tightly. The third is what matters most... the third thing he realises is that the warm body is Louis, the tightness around his cock is Louis hole and he's happy because they have finally mated.

As Harry looks at his sleeping omega, content and happy, he feels his wolf's happiness. His eyes search over his omega from his fluffy sleep ridden hair to his scent gland mark, loud and proud. Harry cannot remember a time he was this happy, this content in life.

He shifts slightly unsure whether to pull out of Louis or wait until the omega wakes, the only problem that he was very quickly getting sensitive. He shifts again whispering his omegas name quietly and pressing a few tender kisses to his head and face.

"Mhmm alpha" Louis mumbles almost incoherently as he slowly wakes up

"Morning baby boy" Harry whispers as Louis looks up with his bright blue eyes that seem to have an extra shine

Louis smiles shyly before he mumbles "morning my alpha"

Harry chuckles "I love the sounds of that"

Louis smiles as he agrees. Without thinking Louis sits himself up still straddling Harry's waist. They both moan loudly as Harry's cock pushes deeper into Louis hitting his prostate.

They both pause once the shock of the feeling stops, Louis holds him self up pressing his hands to the alpha's chest as Harry's hands are grabbing at Louis hips. They look at each other for a few moments before Louis feels raised skin under his hands. He slowly removes his hand looking down at his alpha's chest. His eyes go wide as he sees what looks like a tattoo but also a branding. His name in the most beautiful writing.

Harry's eyes go wide the same time Louis' does as he sees his name written upon Louis chest.

"Baby... everything Alex said is right. We're soulmates" his voice full of surprise

Louis eyes well up as he begins to cry, he feels so happy, so content and fulfilled.

He begins a gentle movement with his hips shifting in small figures of 8.

Harry gasps "baby"

"Come on soulmate, lets make love." With that sentence said Louis begins to lifts his hips up before dropping back down. His movements slow and sensual, wanting to feel every move and inch. The stretch and burn, the deliciousness of his alpha's cock. Harry can barely contain himself as he feels the tight heat around him. This slow burn is out of this world, he can feel everything, every pulsation, every tightness and every inch of love pouring from his omegas soul.

They move together with moans, gasps and grunts. They keep the thrusts slow and deep, feeling the passion between them and the love as they look each other in the eyes.

As they begin to reach their highs they both moan out the same three words they have been dying to say "I love you"

Harry feels his knot expand and watches as Louis closes his eyes in pleasure of being stretched wide and locked together.

Harry can't seem to keep the smile off his face as he answers the copious emails he has. He wants to be home with his omega but he knows he has things to plan for upcoming shoots and galleries.

He doesn't think anything or anyone could stop his smile today.

He hears the knock at his office door and signals for the person to enter

"Hey H" Zayn greets before he stops smelling the air and locking his eyes to Harry's mark. "Bro.. you mated with Louis. Congrats man."

Harry smiles widely accepting his friends congratulatory hug. "It's strange... I feel so complete. I've never felt anything like it"

"You look happy."

"I am... I really am. Anyway that's not what you came in here for. What do you need?"

"Oh I just came to drop this off, it was given to me in my mail." Zayn hands over the letter addressed to Harry. "I've got to go, got a meeting in 10"

Zayn leaves the office in a rush while Harry continues to stare at the envelope. He didn't know why but he has a strangle feeling. A feeling that something isn't right.

He opens the letter cautiously, pulling out the contents.

He reads the letter first 'Mr Harry Styles, I must apologise in advance for what this letter contains however I have been left with no other choice. So... if you do not get Louis out of that production and transfer £50,000 in to the following bank account.... I am sorry (not sorry) to say that something very unpleasant will happen to your sweet omega. I do not plan on warning you twice. Pick the sensible decision here. All the love.'

Harry blinks multiple times re- reading the letter as he goes. He cannot believe he's being black mailed and his omega is being threatened. He picks up what he now sees is a photo of Louis and Harry outside the theatre last night in a tight embrace... it was a happy moment that has now been tarnished.

His wolf quickly comes to the surface and takes control as he picks up his phone to call his friend. I doesn't take long before he answers


"Liam... I need a favour."

Once Harry comes off the phone to Liam he is stunned. He cannot believe his omega wouldn't tell him this. Was he hiding it on purpose? Why wouldn't he trust him enough to be honest with him? Harry pauses for a second before he looks at the photo he's just printed off, his eyes widen and his body fills with fury as his mind flashes back to the alpha he made eye contact with at the show. That bastard. He was that close to Louis and Harry didn't have any idea of the danger. He didn't know because Louis never told him.

He grabs the letter and the photos before quickly leaving the office. He needs to get home. He needs to know that Louis was okay. He needs to see his omega. He needs to get answers. That alpha had gotten too close.

Speeding through the streets he reaches home in no time. Slamming open his door he shouts out for his omega whom is quick to respond and run to Harry, he can feel the alpha's panic.

"Who the fuck is Brad Gillet? And what the fuck did he do to you?" Harry shouts as the overwhelming feeling of fear takes over. He throws the photos on the ground for Louis to look at. He could have probably been a lot more sensitive and he realises that as soon as his omegas face goes white with panic.

Oh no

What will happen?

Who is brad Gillet? What did he do?

What will Harry do?

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