Chapter 10

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Hey my lovelies... I wanted to publish another update quickly to make up for the long wait you had for chapter 9! I really hope your enjoying this story and you enjoy this chapter

Louis is feeling slightly on edge and anxious today as he stops for lunch during rehearsal. The show was meant to be premiering in two days but due to the lighting system failing, production needed to fit all new lights and therefore needed more rehearsals to get the light staging correct.

Louis just felt like with so much going wrong with the play, something else was bound to go wrong. He had tried to shake of the nerves but he couldn't help the suffocating pressure he was feeling. Every time something went wrong Louis was tasked with fixing it, as his boss had said he'd dealt with the photographer issue very well.

It's a lot of pressure upon Louis to constantly be fixing the mistakes that happen, Harry hasn't been happy that the production team has been putting so many responsibilities upon him, especially when there's a threat of him losing any potential acting jobs he could get in the future.

And although it was not fair of the production team to do that... it's what they've always done.

Louis stands in his spot for a moment so the lights can co-ordinate before he begins his performance. He begins to lightly sing and follow the choreography, that he's burned into his brain.

He hears a slight creaking but decides to ignore it as he carries on his performance. He really just wanted to get through this performance and go home to Harry. He had been really missing the alpha today, not wanting to be away from him for this long.

Louis continues as he hits his last note of the song getting into his choreographed pose for the ending. He feels a harsh shove to his body as he almost flies across the room at the force. He hits the stage floor, his head bouncing and his wrist straining as he uses it to guard himself from the fall. He hears a huge smash and a painful yell on the stage.

He can feel some people crowding around him to help him up. His eyes meet Niall's, who's is large and scared, he looks questionably at him as he felt okay apart from the headache and pain in his wrist. Niall indicates to where he was stood only moments ago where he finds a smashed light and Luke. Luke is sprawled under the light, unconscious, his leg bent at an odd angle and some cuts from the glass. Louis stands shocked if Luke hadn't of pushed him out of the way than that would be him laid there and as an omega he would have been far more injured.

Louis can hear people calling an ambulance as he simply stands there and stares. He feels guilty, Luke shouldn't have pushed him out of the way. He shouldn't have gotten injured like that, it should have been Louis. As soon as guilt enters his body he feels how scared he becomes, had someone planned this, had someone wanted to hurt him, if so why?. He was even more frightened of the answers to those questions. The longer he pondered it the more distressed he felt, he kept trying to pull his emotions back down, to get ahold of them before they overwhelmed him. He tried to listen to Niall's supporting words and feel his comforting touch. But he couldn't do it.. as he heard the people describing Luke's injuries and checking his pulse, he couldn't focus on anything other than the emotions that was raging a war inside of him.

He can feel himself shaking and his vision blurring as he struggles for breath. He can feel his body straining as it fights the inevitable, he knew he would pass out. But still his body fought to stop it. He can hear himself letting out loud whines in the call for his alpha, his Harry. He hoped Niall would call him as he sunk to the floor he held so tightly onto himself for protection as his body naturally rocked. He gasped and gasped before his vision completely faded to black.

Harry could feel something wasn't right. He hands were lightly shaking as he felt panic rise in his chest but it didn't feel his. He looks up from his computer, sat in his office on his own but feeling surrounded. His body begins to ache and hurt as he tries to stand and grasp what is happening to him.

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