Chapter 16

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Hi lovelies! I hope you enjoy this chapter...

It's been a week or so since Louis told Harry everything. They had held each other throughout the night enjoying the calmness they gave each other. Harry was honestly horrified at what he had learnt, at what his sweet omega had suffered through. He now understood the bond he held with Niall, so much more. Their bond went so much deeper than what a normal friendship would. They had saved each other in the most dire situations, been each other's saviour and rock. They were all each other had, they had lost everyone else.

Harry's heart broke thinking of what they had both been through. After a careful conversation with Louis they had decided for Louis to confide in Liam and Zayn. They all felt like they were a pack, a family. They felt it was only right that there were no secrets. Especially with the new threat, Harry needed to know that they had back up from their friends.


"Hazza" Louis quietly mumbles

"Yes my sweet omega" his alpha was purring as he pulled his omega into his arms, holding him tightly to his chest.

"Can I take you somewhere important?" Louis' eyes shine their icy blue to show his omega is also there

"Of course my darling." He's sure his eyes flash to show his alpha has come to the forefront.

They rush into the shower where they soon get distracted. 40 minutes later they quickly get dressed and are in the car. This time Louis driving as Harry sits blissfully unaware of where they are going.

It's an hour journey before Louis pulls in and hesitantly parks the car.

"Where are we darling?" Harry questions as he looks around before his eyes zone in on the cemetery.

"Come on" Louis rushes from the car and Harry has to jog to catch up with the speedy omega

They make there way through holding hands tightly as Harry made sure to be cautious of their surrounding. He felt on edge being somewhere unfamiliar and especially with the threat looming over them.

Louis suddenly comes to a standstill in front of one grave. His eyes already watering as he stands silently. Harry looks from his beautiful omega to the grave

"Birdie Steel
The saviour in our
Darkest moments
Forever remembered"

Harry gasps at the feeling that takes over his body. His skin cold with goosebumps coming up on his skin, his eyes water as his heart pounds.

"Oh baby" he pulls Louis into his arms holding him tightly as he sobs

"Can we just sit for a while? I want to talk more about her" Louis asks


They sat there for hours talking about their lives and Birdie. They felt like their bond had grown as they finally felt they knew everything about each other. There was nothing to hide anymore.

Harry is broken from his thoughts as Louis jumps into his lap cuddling into his chest.

"You know alpha... you have had quite a few days off of work."

"Mhmm I suppose I have but it was very much needed."

"I know... I have loved our last few days but didn't you say you had a new showcase this week??"

"Well yes but I can cancel-"

"No alpha! You were so excited... I need to get back to the play as well. They repaired the damages now and ready to continue the shows. I think it's time we both leave our little love bubble."

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