Chapter 3

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Okay so here chapter 3.....  I hope you guys enjoy it... also I'm assuming you've all seen watermelon sugar MV- oh my.... love it!!!!


"What the fuck?" Harry shouts as he rubs the back of his head. He looks around confused before his eyes settles on the omega who is awake and staring at him in fright.

"Oh shit" he mumbles figuring he didn't remember what had happened yesterday.

"Why am I here? Why have you taken me?" Louis' voice is filled with fear as he shakes on the bed

"Hey calm down, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Now think carefully what do you remember from yesterday."

Louis begins to think and run through his day from waking up and being at rehearsals. He tells the alpha what he remembers hearing a small sigh in reply.

"Okay that's okay, you had a big day yesterday. Can you try calling out to your wolf. He may be able to help fill in the blanks." Hardy tries hoping this works.

Louis tried to call for his wolf but there's no reply. He begins panicking again thinking this alpha has hurt him so bad his wolf is hiding.

"Hey hey, it's okay. What's your wolfs name?"

Louis stares for a while evening out his breathing before he replies "I call him Leo. His full name is Leonnox"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful wolf I'm sure. Isn't that right Leonnox" Harry replies adding in the deep timber of his alpha voice

Harry stands slowly watching as Louis' eyes change to icy blue and his wolf comes forward... he's held captivated for a few seconds from the icy look in the eyes.

"Wow your eyes"

"I know they are creepy a lot of people have said so" Leonnox replies with a defensive tone

"No they are not. They are beautiful. How do you feel?" Harry blurts the words out before he can stop them. He feels a slight blush come to his cheeks and he watches Louis's skin flush.

"I feel okay... better"

"Your human is scared and confused you need to let him remember so he can understand."

Leonnox sighs and nods his agreement before sending a small smile to the alpha he had come to like before he lets Louis regain control having removed the memory block he had put in place.

Louis gasps as he sits silently for a moment before he speaks once again,   "All that happened yesterday... thank you for helping me."

Harry smiles gently as he relaxes his tense stance "Your welcome, now I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Shall we have breakfast?"

Louis giggles while nodding his head eagerly. He was quite starving especially after all the events of yesterday. He also feels like he needs a shower as he looks down to his clothing which he then frowns at before an image pops into his head of Harry gently removing his clothes without looking. He smiles at the memory of the respect the alpha held for him.

"May I shower please?"

"Oh of course. Follow me." Harry quickly leads Louis into the bathroom explaining the different buttons for the shower before he grabs a towel and leaves not before stating he will return with clean clothes for Louis to borrow.

Louis tried to be as quick as possible while showering not wanting to be to long and take advantage of the kind alpha.

As he hops out of the most amazing shower he has ever had, silently wishing he could stay there all day he clumsily knocks into the shelving which knocks over all the soaps and body washes. Gasping he bends to try and quickly clean it up before the door is slammed open. Louis flinches closing his eyes tightly before he carefully looks up at the alpha gasping again when he sees Harry stood with a towel wrapped around his waist and dripping wet. Louis subconsciously rakes his eyes down the beautiful golden body.

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