Chapter 13

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Hi lovelies!!!!! Here for another update!!! Hope you enjoy.....

Warning—— SMUT and Change of POV

Harry smiles as he is led to his seat for the show. It is finally time for the opening of Marry Poppins and to say he is excited is an understatement. Although he thinks that the reason he feels so much excitement might have something to do with his omega's feelings as well.

As he reaches his seat he can see that Niall is sat between his two alpha's smiling shyly. Niall is quick to jump up "alpha Harry... did you see lou Lou?"

Harry stands stunned for a second at the title before he chuckles "yeah... I've seen him Ni. He's okay, very excited and waiting for you back stage."

"Yeah yeah your right, I need to go.... bye my loves, bye Alpha Harry."

Niall scurry's off quickly to his band. Harry looks back to Zayn and Liam confused with the omegas behaviour.

"Well Haz you have been exerting a lot more dominance recently, your scent is a lot stronger and your demanding respect in your aura. We spoke to Alex and he thinks your a true alpha... so if packs were still a thing than man you'd be in charge. The other reason is he had the best orgasm of his life and is still feeling the high of it."

Harry gapes at them for a few moments. He had noticed his wolf feeling stronger, prouder and more demanding. He'll have to be careful with that. He doesn't want to cause an affect on omegas with his scent or aura.

He takes a seat "so things are going well since Niall moved in with you?"

"Yeah it's been amazing Haz, he's opened up to us so much since then. We know it's only been a month since he moved in but we love him. I'm still shocked that we asked him to move in the same time you asked Louis." Zayn laughs thinking back to the day the omegas discussed it


Niall bounds into Harry's house, shouting out for his omega friend. He has missed him over the last couple of days and he was also very nervous to discuss what his alpha's had asked him.

Louis comes running towards Niall with a massive grin set on his face.

"Hi Ni". "Hi Lou Lou"

They embrace for a moment taking some time to hold each other and take in their familiar scents.

"Harry asked me to move in" Louis squeals out as quickly as he could- wanting to rip the bandaid off.

"Wow really???" Niall smiles "Zayn and Liam asked me to move in with them to"

The two omegas stand smiling at each other

"Are we ready for this?" Louis questions quietly having lived together since they were kids.

"I think we are Lou, I really think this is where we can move forward from all the shit and begin to really enjoy life again" his smile sincere, he does feel better having told his alpha's. Over the last few days they have really been helping him accept it wasn't his fault.

"So... we move in with them then!" Louis squeals happily

"Yeah Lou, we move in with them."

Harry smiles at the memory flashing through his mind. The alpha's had stood by the door to listen to the omegas, although they knew they shouldn't have. They really couldn't help themselves.

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