Chapter 1

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"This isn't how it's suppose to happen. Why do these things keep happening?" Louis was frustrated and angry. He had landed the role of his dreams in an all celebrity cast for the musical Mary Poppins. He loved the film, the songs, the story and the dancing. He had been thrilled to be apart of the production- one of the lead roles playing Bert. However, since beginning practice everything that could go wrong had.

Firstly, it was little things like no lighting, no costumes or no catering while rehearsing. Which was easily solved.

But then bigger things happened, like the actress playing the lead role suddenly broke her ankle and had to be replaced. The theatre the play is supposed to have the opening in suddenly cancelled last minute. And now the photographer who had agreed to film, interview and photograph for their programme, their advertising and displays has mysteriously been cancelled.

The worst thing about it is the photographer said a 'Mr Tomlinson' had cancelled.

"I don't know bud, something strange is definitely going on here. Are you sure your understudy isn't out for your role?" Niall replied, at first he thought Louis was being ridiculous that someone was out to destroy the play and his reputation but it made sense after a tea Louis was meant to have was laced with laxatives. Niall felt every hour of that pain.

"No it can't be Niall, Luke is the sweetest shyest beta I have ever met. You'd think he's an omega. Truthfully he was pleased he didn't get the role as it's his first time in a performance, he just wants the experience. It can't be him. But whoever it is, will have a serious problem because now I'm pissed off"

"Okay okay calm down Lou, we'll sort it. Have you spoken to the production manager yet?"

"No I've got to see him in 10 minutes. I'm scared... he did not sound happy when he told me what happened."

Before Niall could reply, Louis could hear his name shouted across the room. He flinches at the deep rough tone that makes his omega whine and want to submit. Louis looks to see Niall has bared his neck at the shout while Louis fights his reaction and manages to keep his omega from submitting.

He is quick to get up and follow the sound of that booming voice. Louis was hoping he wasn't getting fired today not when he had finally gotten what he had been dreaming for, for so long.

"Uh- Mr Grayson. You wanted to see me?" He tries to keep his voice strong as he speaks but the glare he receives from Mr Grayson is enough to make him shake.

"Do you know the trouble you have caused us boy? The photographer is now booked for elsewhere and we cannot find a replacement. So this falls on you, whether it was actually you or not who cancelled our original photographer. You have 3 hours to find a new well known photographer otherwise your out."

Louis stared in shock "but sir.."

"2 hours 58 minutes... I wouldn't waste your time here boy."

Louis snaps out of his shock and quickly runs from the room. He runs past Niall without a word to explain and quickly jumps into his car still in his rehearsal clothes. He can feel his heart pounding and his eyes water as his hands shake.

He doesn't have time to panic or time to think. He has to act now. He's going to the only photographer he knows of. The only one that's possible to get him out of this mess. The problem is this photographer is so hard to pin down for a shoot, he fears his best won't be enough. But he has to try... he has to hope and pray that Harry Styles will agree to photograph their play.

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