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Hi lovelies, I love reading all your comments- they make me so happy! Please take the time to comment and vote on this chapter.... it is the last one! Enjoy....

9 months later-

A crying scream echoes through the house jilting everyone awake. It continues for a few moments before a grunt echos in the darkness of the house.

There's a mumbling within the room, shifting in their tired haze.

"Go back to sleep Lou, I've got her" the alpha mumbles kissing his omega sweetly on the head before lazily rising from the bed, he hurries into the next room.  He smiles broadly as he looking into the cot to see his beautiful baby girl staring back at him. Her eyes glistening with unshed tears and her chest settling into hiccup breaths.

"Hi my gorgeous girl... you hungry? Are you? Oh I bet you are" he lifts her carefully into his arms

Careful with her Ehno grumbles with worry

Believe it or not but we've been doing this for 4 months now. We won't hurt her

She's just so tiny. So precious

I know

Harry holds a fond smile as he carries her downstairs to warm up one of the pre pumped bottles. He hums a small tune as he waits for it to warm through.

Once's it's done and he's checked it on the inside of his wrist as carries her back to her room and sits himself in the rocking chair. He hums again as he feeds her her bottle, looking into her bright blue eyes almost memorised by how bright and full of life they are.

He smiles happily almost in disbelief at how all his biggest dreams have come to reality. His eyes connect once again with his beautiful daughters, he simply spends  his time staring at her and she stares at him guzzling the milk. He was thrilled when Louis had decided to begin pumping the milk as he was then able to share these precious moments.

His heart stutters and his wolf awes loudly as he watches her eyes blink tiredly before shutting as she falls back into her deep sleep filled with the warmth and goodness of her milk and relieved of any gas she might have had.

He holds her for a while feeling this moment to important to ignore. Harry hadn't realised how long he had been sat simply watching his daughter keep before a tired Louis walked through the doors rubbing his eyes with his small fists, dressed in only Harry's large jumper.

Harry watches fondly as his mate smiles lightly walking into the room and over to where they were sat.

"I was worried when you didn't return to bed straight away." He whispers keeping his eyes on their small bundle of joy

"I'm sorry darling... I couldn't put her down" he shares guiltily as this isn't the first time Louis has found him like this

"Well... it's important you rest H. So hand Mira (pronounced  My-a" meaning miracle.) over and get you butt back to bed" he demands softly taking their daughter into his arms and gently laying her back into her cot.

He follows a sulking alpha from the nursery back to their own bedroom.

"But Lou.... I'm not sleepy anymore... I could just stay and watch her sleep" he argues before he climbs into bed

"Haz... you will be tired in a couple of hours if you don't sleep as much as possible now. She needs a fully rested sleep as well" Louis states

"But lou—-" the aloha drags out before Louis interrupts him by throwing his leg over his and straddling his body.

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