Chapter 8

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Hey lovelies...So I really wanted to give an update today as it's my birthday! Yay!!! So here is the next update lovelies... I really hope you enjoy it.....

The knock at the door interrupts the laughter echoing in the flat, Niall falls silent immediately already regretting allowing this chat to happen. Louis shifts as he looks from Niall to Harry. Harry is already making his way to the door when Louis stands and offers a few words of comfort to his friend.

Harry opens the door to two alpha's looking quite shameful and guilty.

"Do not fuck this up. Niall has been through too much shit for you two to treat him like this. I'm telling you now.. your my mates I'll always love you to death but you hurt him again... we'll have a problem. Understood?" Harry's voice is low and dangerous as he feels his wolf grow angry. He felt protective of the two omegas, and he refused to let anyone hurt them.

Liam and Zayn quickly bare their necks to show they understand the threat. For some reason their wolves wanted to beg for forgiveness, never in all their years of friendship has that happened.

Harry lets them into the flat and leads them to where Niall is sat waiting and Louis stood looking at Harry with concern... for some reason he could feel the alpha's anger.

"We'll go to another room so you guys can chat privately. Niall just shout if you need me alright?" Niall looks up to Louis with a small nod

Harry glares once more before he allows his sweet omega to pull him from the room. It's awkwardly quiet before Niall snaps

"Well... are you going to sit down and begin talking or continue staring?" His voice full of sarcasm and annoyance which snaps the alpha's from their daze and makes them quickly sit down opposite the omega. They share a brief look before Zayn sighs knowing he had to start this conversation and he has to apologise.

"I just... I want to start by simply saying I'm sorry. I god I'm so ashamed with the way I spoke to you and treated you. It wasn't right... that night at the club I shouldn't have let my annoyance and anger overwhelm me to the point I took it out on you. That wasn't fair... I'm also sorry our chat earlier today didn't go well.. I'm I just I'm not sure what to do to be honest. This has never happened"

Niall listens with an open mind before he scoffs at the last statement "an omega has never rejected you or you've never treated someone like you've treated me"

Zayn grows red as he avoids eye contact. He feels so shamed for the way he has acted. "No I mean erm... honestly no, no omega has ever rejected me and yes I've treated omegas the way I treated you before... I'm shamed to say I have" he pauses at the disgusted look on Niall's face- he almost feels like giving up before Liam grabs his hand.

"Truthfully Om- I mean Niall... I've never been rejected because the omegas I've dealt with in the past are normally the ones chasing us.. I don't mean to sound big headed... and yeah I have treated them disgustingly before. But the difference between you and them.... they have never truly wanted me or us... they always wanted one thing and when spoken to like shit they never wanted an apology."

Niall looks confused "what do you mean? What is it they wanted?"

Zayn looks down to his hands feeling the pain he has pushed aside for so long... Liam decides to take over knowing his mate is in pain.

"He means that most just wanted money... those that didn't want money wanted something else... to get close to Harry, to get involved in an investigation or fame. They have never truly wanted us... they lied to us, mislead us and destroyed all faith we had in finding an omega who would want us and only us. We've been told we're too much to handle, we are unloveable and unwanted. It has had an impact on us. When Zayn has previously gotten angry at their behaviour... they have always demanded money for them to leave otherwise they would stalk us and tell the world we beat them. Which to clarify we have never laid a malicious hand on anybody"

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