Chapter 2

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Third POV

It took longer than it should have for Louis to recognise the alpha holding him in his arms, making him feel safe and secure. It also took longer than it should have for Louis to move out of those arms. Neither of them wanted to admit that they didn't want to move or let go.

Louis blushes as he finally detangles himself from those arms and stands up. He remains stood between the alpha's legs, knowing he still needed to remain close to the alpha's scent for his omega.

"Omega, are you okay?" The voice is deep and raspy, his words slow as he articulates every sound.

"Y-es. Erm thank you. I am so sorry to have-" Louis fumbles with his words before he manages to pull back some confidence

"Stop right there. Don't you dare apologise for how you felt and reacted. That beta was out of line and disgusting with the way she spoke to you. Just so you know she has been fired and told to leave. I won't have that kind of person working here"

Louis flushes at the alpha's words feeling happy and content but he can't help but feel guilty that the beta lost her job.

"Oh... you didn't need to fire her. I over reacted... it's just been a tough day."

"I don't think you did... you've had a bad day and you didn't need her judgemental comments and abuse which caused your omega to release that distress call. I'm just glad I was able to help you out. Now what was it you wanted to see me about?"

Harry smiles brightly as he switches the subject hoping he can continue to converse with this omega.

"Oh well... erm... " Louis can feel himself panic once again. He didn't want to bother Mr Styles more than he already had but he also didn't want to lose his dream

"Hey hey calm down. Your okay. Ask me whatever you wish and if I can I will help" Harry coos as he pulls the omega into his arms and back onto his lap. The reaction is instant, they both relax and hold onto each other like they have done this for years.

"Well... I'm in a musical, Mary Poppins, some weird stuff has been happening and the photographer we needed to photograph us for the advertising has been mysteriously cancelled. However the person who did it gave my name. Now I have to find another well known photographer to cover or else I won't be in the musical. Your the only one I know of." Louis is timid in his explanation

"Right... and you weren't the one to actually cancel the original?"

"No of course not. This has been my dream since I was little. I would never jeopardise that." He looks offended at the accusation.

Harry smiles sweetly as he calmly rubs the omegas back to calm him back down "of course... well that explains the outfit. You must have been in quite a hurry." He chuckles

"Oh erm yeah... well the manager shouted and told me I only had 3 hours. Oh my goodness. How long has it been?" Louis panics and quickly tears spring to his eyes and down his face

Harry carefully wipes the tears from the omegas eyes as he calmly speaks "you've been here an hour and a half ."

Louis is quick to do the calculations and finds he has just half an hour left before he is fired. He'll never make it back in time. He slumps down.

"I'll never make it back in time now." He huffs

"Well that's okay, give me the number for the production and I'll call them to let them know I'll do it."

"Really?" Look squeals loudly which causes Harry to burst with laughter. Louis is quick to pull the number up to allow Harry to call it.

He watches as Harry winks before he begins speaking "Hello, this is Harry Styles."

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