Chapter 12

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Hi lovelies, sorry it took longer than expected. Daily updates now yay!!!! I really hope you enjoy this chapter

Warning—— description of violence, abuse and rape. Read with caution

Harry waits anxiously for Louis to awaken, he had called Alex to come and give the omega the once over and yet he is still waiting for him to arrive. He can feel the agitation of his wolf as he worries for his unconscious omega. Niall is seated on the sofa; not to far away from the alpha while he waits for Zayn and Liam, he's quiet, deep into his thoughts. Worrying if his beat friend will be okay. He can tell the alpha is on edge but he doesn't feel scared, not like he usually would around an alpha on edge.

"Harry.. is Lou going to be okay?" Niall is worried, it had been a while now since his friend fell unconscious.

Harry looks at the worried omega "Yeah.. My wolf tells me he will be fine. He just needs some rest, he's been through a lot of worry today. It didn't help that the other alpha had him pinned.. his omega sensed it wasn't me and panicked. An omega doesn't respond well to unfamiliar scents that they do not like/ respond to, especially when they've been scented like Lou and the way the alpha was holding him down made it worse. He just needs rest but Alex will double check he is okay"

Niall nods in understanding, it is a lot to deal with and Niall knows how an omega can struggle to deal with traumatic events. "Yeah I understand, that alpha is a right creep. Are you okay?"

Harry grumbles his agreement with Niall's statement before he responds "I'm okay... just concerned and on edge especially as Alex seems to be taking forever. Are Zayn and Liam on the way for you? It couldn't have been easy for you today either."

" Yeah.. erm they said they will be here as soon as possible. Your right... it was a difficult day. it's not nice seeing your friend like that... especially as production think the light was rigged to fall on Lou."

Niall flinches at the loud growl that comes from Harry as he shoots up from his seat "You what? Someone did this on purpose" he waits long enough to see Niall nod before he fully shifts into his wolf. He stands tall and angry as he paces for a few moments before he jumps onto the sofa and curls himself around his omega. Harry knew Louis was safe in his arms and his wolf never wanted to let go.

Niall looks on in shock and awe as Harry's wolf lets out low rumbles in warning to anyone near and as comfort to his omega. He watches as Louis body moves slightly before he to has shifted and is surrounded by the larger wolf. Niall's eye widen in the beauty of the two wolves curled together, like yin and yang.

After a few quiet moments the door to Harry's house opens and Niall turns to see his two alphas rush in and an unfamiliar man, whom he assumes is Alex.

"Well... this is interesting" the doctor mumbles looking at the sight before him. "You must be Niall?" he looks at the blonde omega, receiving a nod "What caused them to shift?"

Niall quickly explains what had lead to that moment, including the fact that Harry was already at the theatre when Niall had called him about Louis.

The doctors laughs loudly before letting a bright smile rest on his face, the doctor knew harry wasn't going to shift back for a while "Well Harry.. you best listen to me" the wolf lifts his head to show he's listening "Okay, growl for Yes and stay silent for No. Did you feel like something was wrong with Louis before Niall called?"


"Okay, Did you feel it physically?"


"Did your wolf tell you?"


"Well... Harry this is marvelous. Wow.. its been 30 years and now we have our very own soulmates."

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