Chapter 11

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Hey lovelies!!!
Important chapter here....
Also warnings... there is mention of violence, miscarriage, cheating and slight sexual abuse (it was consensual but not ethical)

I hope you enjoy...

Unknown POV

It should have worked, that should have been the final nail in the coffin. How the hell did that good for nothing omega manage to worm his way out of that predicament and how the hell had he managed to get Harry Styles to photograph the event. I never meant for Luke to get hurt honestly he was a lovely man and if I hadn't been screwed over I might have been able to actually see a future with him, I blame Louis. It was all Louis' fault that Luke's hurt. I had to think. I had to work out what I would do next.

This was meant to be easy, I was meant to sabotage the play with little things before they either cancelled or went ahead with an horrendous performance either way I was going to be the critic to report it first, I was going to be the person with the inside scoop. Everyone knows this is Mr Teller's final chance to produce something good as 'Mr Banks' in the musical or he is cut... all because he couldn't resist that charming sinful beta. His wife left him and his name along with his reputation completely tarnished.

His wife, a beautiful model, trashed his reputation actively alongside his own daughter. I guess they were both pretty disgusted he was stepping out with a beta, a beta his daughter's age. The thing that truly destroyed him, it wasn't the affair, it wasn't the lying and the cheating. No, the woman always gets blamed for that. How could she go with a married man... that's what's said. What really ruined him was the fact he was publicly caught boasting, boasting about how every producer would be lucky to have him, how if he could fool his stupid wife for so long he deserves the lead roles, how he used their money to spoil the beta along with others and how he got said beta pregnant and forced her to abort it. The fact he admitted to beating the beta until she lost the baby, that was hardly covered. No it was the degrading comments he made about specific high flying producers which fucked him over.

I knew he would be the easiest target, an easy win for me. I needed it to survive, I needed to bounce back otherwise I was to be cut to. This was my chance, my only remaining chance. I was lucky I even got this opportunity to rectify my mistakes, even if it took me opening my mouth for my boss to do as he pleases. He made it clear though, one chance and no amount of blowjobs was going to keep solving my problems.

Problems I caused myself. I should have known better, I should have stopped myself becoming greedy. I should have known that, that beautiful model wasn't stupid and that baboon of an alpha would throw me under the bus to save his own skin. The truth is i was just so desperate to make my dreams a reality, to finally get my chance on the stage when he saw me dancing and singing drunkenly with my friends. I should have known his promises were empty, just so he could slide his hand down to what he selfishly wanted and thought he deserved. I should have known but I didn't. Not until I woke up in hospital with the headlines flashing Ian Teller has an affair with beta Lilah Humphrey.


Slowly I open my eyes my body aching in pain, everything throbbing as I look around the room. I'm in the hospital... I wonder for a moment how I got here but then again I seem to remember picking up the phone to call for help before I fell into the darkness.

"Oh Miss Humphrey, your awake. I'll go get the doctor to come check on you. I'll put the tv on while you wait." The nurse I hadn't even noticed enter the room, makes quick work of turning the screen on and quickly leaving again before I can even ask for water.

I turn my head as the reporter begins to speak... my heart stops. No no he can't do this to me. No.

It is claimed that the beta- known as Lilah- became obsessed with Mr Teller, she stalked and threatened him for months. It's also reported that he found himself in a situation he couldn't refuse her, she was threatening his life and he had to do what she wanted... which he indicates was sex. It isn't clear where Lilah is now but we know the police are interested in speaking with her regarding these serious allegations.

I begin to scream at the telly, throwing anything I can. I cannot believe that slimy bastard. It's not long before I am restrained feeling a sharp sting to my arm before I slowly close my eyes. Knowing I only wanted one thing: revenge.

I shudder as I remember that day, the police had come and attempted to arrest me but I proceeded to tell them the truth. Tell them how truthfully I did seduce him because I wanted something but that he was willing and there was no threats. How eventually after 6 months I fell in love with the bastard promising me a new life. I told them everything- I told them how I was pregnant and happy before he beat me. They got the nurse to confirm I was pregnant and beaten so harshly I suffered a miscarriage.

I maybe could have gotten past that but there were complications with the miscarriage, I was already 5 months pregnant. The hospital had to operate and at the same time they were forced to preform a hysterectomy. My heart truly broke that day. The day my true dreams were shattered. I would never be a mother to my own.

So when I heard he had secured a new job with a producer who took pity on him, I was outraged. I swore I would get my revenge by ruining this show and helping my career become stable again. I wouldn't lose anything else because of this man.

There was just one problem .... Louis Tomlinson. He ruined each and every one of my plans whether he knew it or not... to begin with he wasn't a target but as he began to solve the issues I put in place. I realised that in order to get my revenge I had to get rid of the omega. I had to get rid of Louis Tomlinson.

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