Chapter 7

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Hi lovelies, I'm so glad I've been able to get this chapter done sooner than I thought I would. I really hope you enjoy it

Since their first date they discovered they really enjoyed spending time with each other, they were drawn to each other and would know when the other entered a room.

Harry has discussed this with his doctor concerned something was wrong with him, especially when he would wake up in the black of the night shaking, sweating and feeling scared as if he had just had a nightmare although he never remembered what he dreamt of. Alex has no answers... only theories. His instructions to Harry was to continue as normal and report back anything out of the ordinary.

The couple had just finished another date, laughing quietly to each other as they make their way back to the car. Entering the vehicle and falling silent, Harry asks something that's been bothering him.

"Lou... would it be alright if.." he falls silent as he grows nervous while Louis looks at him expectantly "can I photograph you?"


"I just... I just really want to photograph you... I've been itching to do so since I first met you... nothing weird. I promise"

"Erm... I'm not sure Haz" he looked nervous as he tangled his fingers together

"Please... look how about I take some photos of you and if you hate them we stop, if you like them we continue" Harry gives the omega a pleading look which soon turns to a bright smile when he sees the small nod Louis gives in permission.

Once they reach back to Louis' flat, Harry excitedly runs ahead to the omegas wardrobe before he stops suddenly "Erm can I look through your clothes to find outfits I want you to wear for the photos? If that's okay?" Harry's voice is nervous as Louis smiles fondly and gently nods

Louis sits himself on his bed as he watches Harry rummage through his clothes humming lightly before he removes some clothes and lays them on the bed in outfits.

Harry looks at Louis brightly before he nods and quickly leaves the room to allow Louis to change into the first outfit.

Harry has pulled the armchair over against a plain white wall when he hears Louis enter. He stares wide eyed before he snaps from his trance and directs Louis to the sit... he pulls the pack of cigarettes from the drawer he knew was there. The omega had confessed date three that he had a hidden pack for when he was stressed and although Harry didn't want his omega to smoke he was desperate for a picture with one.

Once Louis was sat down he looked nervously at Harry for direction... "I just want you to be natural, right take this mug.. just think of something that will make you smile.. make you happy."

As Harry takes a few steps back away from Louis to take the pictures he trips and stumbles back over the stool, he lands on his back, his legs flailing along with his arms as a shocked gasp comes from his lips.

Louis laughs loudly from where he is sat as Harry quickly scrambles up, with bright red cheeks from embarrassment.

Once he is back standing he looks at Louis who is now trying to cover his laugh but still lets a big smile come upon his face. Harry quickly snaps the picture before looking at it. He smiles thinking 'perfect'.

 He smiles thinking 'perfect'

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