Chapter 21

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Hi lovelies, sorry it's later than usual. I've had the most manic morning. I really hope you enjoy the chapter. This is the last one before the Epilogue.

Eyes blinking open the room is blurry. He hears a groan before realising it was himself making the noise. Eyes shut tightly as the blinding light penetrates them. Ears still ringing loudly over the muffled voice. He tries to push himself, tries to open his eyes once again but his head pounds and his body begs for sleep. He finally stops fighting and lets his body do as it wished.

Eyes blink open once again. The vision blurry but seems to get better with each little blink. The room still bright and his ears beginning to stop the loud annoying ring sensation. Blinking once again he looks confused around the plain room, he can smell the strong medicine and bleach wafting from the room. His attention is drawn back to the doctor before him.

"Sir? Can you hear me sir? Can you look at me sir?" The doctor sounds concerned but understanding as he tries to grasp his attention

His eyebrows furrow as he looks at the doctor and begins to try and think of what had happened. Why was he here?

The doctors flashes a torch in his eyes and seems to be concentrating as he flinched back slightly. A smile beaming onto the docs face.

"Okay everything is looking good. How are you feeling? Any pain?" The docs voice soft and gentle

Furrowing eyebrows he tries to think of why he might be feeling pain. He didn't seem to know. He didn't seem to remember. As he blinks he keeps his eyes shut and that's when something flashes through his mind.

A person tied to a chair. A person holding a gun. He felt scared, concerned and unsure. He felt terrified. But not for himself. His eyes brows furrow again in concentration... he felt concern, he felt terrified but for who? The gun holder? No. The person in the chair? The omega? His omega. The picture seems to lose it's blurriness and he can clearly see his broke and beaten omega tied to the chair. He can see the gun pointing straight at him. He can hear the loud bang and an exploding force hit him.

"Sir? My Styles? Are you okay? In any pain?" The doctor asks again as Harry finally grasps his surroundings

"I... I don't feel anything. I Erm.... I couldn't remember.. where's Louis?" He questions

"Sir... you were shot... well the bullet went through you and into a Mr Gillet I believe... whom I'm sad to say didn't survive his injuries. The morphine is probably keeping the pain at bay for now but as soon as you feel pain let a nurse know and we will sort something out. As for Louis... I'm assuming you mean Louis Tomlinson... he's in another room. Stable and awake"

Harry stares wide eyed at the doctor, the information seemed to be overloading his senses and he struggled to process it.

He was shot. But so was Brad. The bullet went through Harry and into Brad. Harry feels the bandages on his upper chest/ shoulder and winces slightly.

Wait brad died? How did the bullet hit him?


As Harry scream no launching forward to stop Lilah he feels a force push him as the pain explodes in his chest. Gasping as he hits the ground with a big thud, his body is shocked as the pain begins to radiate and the blood begins to pour. As he opens his eyes and looks across the room he can see police officers rushing into the room and grabbing Lilah who begins to scream. Looking back as his eyes begin to close he sees Brad look over to him bleeding heavily from his chest and struggling to talk.

"Make him happy. Ke-keep h-I'm Ha-happ-0y" Harry doesn't hear anymore as his body shocks and begins to shut down. He can hear his wolf grunting before telling him they're be fine. They just need to rest. His vision soon goes black.

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