Chapter 15

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Hi my lovelies....I am loving reading your comments and thoughts on each chapter please please keep doing it. Here's another chapter where a few questions will be answered.... Warning- there is description of abuse, violence, kidnapping, murder. Read at own risk.

The blood pounds in his ears. His heart thuds in his chest. His hands shake. His feet tingles. His vision disfigured, as if he were looking through a fish-eye lens. He had to get away. He couldn't stay, not in this house. Not where Harry wanted answers. He couldn't look at his alpha. There was too much of a risk, he knew he'd crumple, he knew he'll tell Harry everything and he couldn't risk being left. He felt stranded. Drive, and he could cause an accident. Not drive, and he was still too close to speaking his truth. The truth he never wanted to speak.

He turned the key in the ignition, took a long, slow deep breath, then rounded the corner out of sight. There. Harry wouldn't know. The alpha wouldn't follow him. He was out of sight. That was all that mattered.

He clutched the steering wheel, his hands wrapped so tightly around it that his nails dug into her palms. Breathing was hard. Really hard. As if he'd just run the London Marathon.

He cried harder, his chest growing tight as bile rose in his throat. His breathing shortened as he tries to keep grasp to the wheel.

His ears ringing unable to hear any other sound as pins and needles seemed to travel up his body.

His eyes take in a blurry figure and he feels hid body being lifted. He tries to calm down but feels himself fall deeper into the hole. His mind flashes with the memories he wanted to forget, the moments he wished wasn't engraved in his mind.

He can hear deep breathing, but is unsure if it's his own or someone else's. He tries to focus on the sound finding it soothing as he begins to copy.

He can feel his chest ache with thankfulness for the first full breath he takes. He continues to copy the breaths.

"That's it baby, that's it. Can you tell me three things you did today?" The voice sounds far away but somehow he hears it

His mind wanders as he thinks of his day "I Erm I saw Niall. I had tea and Erm I sang."

"Well done my darling. Can you tell me three colours you saw today?" Feeling confused on the question he makes sure to focus more

"I saw blue.... green and pink" he finishes confidently as his blue eyes widen and finally his vision is clear. He looks down at his body to feel the tingling come to a stop and sleepiness take over.

As he looks back to the far away voice he jumps slightly when his sees his alpha's concerned look up close. His still shaking hand reaches up to cup his alpha's face

"Oh darling" Harry speaks his voice full of care and concern.

Louis falls into his arms wanting the comfort and love he always feels there.

"Lets get you inside!" He feels his body lifted and then notices that he is still in the driveway, he hadn't driven anywhere. He just thought he had.

He leans into his alpha's chest listening to the loud heartbeat and find himself calming down further.

Gently he's placed upon the sofa and propped up with pillows. Harry sits beside him holding his hand tightly. As is he's afraid Louis will disappear.

"I'm so sorry darling.... I should have been more careful, more considerate."

Louis smiles sadly "it's not your fault Haz, I should have told you. I should have been honest. I just felt so scared that if I told you you'd leave me.... I still am"

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