Chapter 19

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Hi lovelies.... okay.. this chapter....
Your all gonna hate me. I hope you enjoy....

Harry feels exhausted as he looks at the time again. He's just over half an hour away from home and honestly he simply cannot wait to be able to sleep with his omega, cuddled up together.

His phone buzzes bringing his mind back from his fantasies, looking down he sees it's Zayn.

Somethings wrong

Harry pauses before dismissing his wolf. He's always so bloody paranoid and negative.

He answers the phone with a happy smile "hey Z"

"Alpha?" A shaky voice responds

Harry freezes at his omegas voice, he sounds scared. Really scared

I told you

"Baby? Are you okay?"

"They're here alpha.. they're  here for me. I think Z is hurt." His whispers, Harry can hear the tremble in his voice. His heart begins to pound as his eyes widen.

"Baby.. where are you?" He can feel himself panicking

"I'm hiding in my compartment... I can hear them alpha" he begins to cry quietly "they are coming"

Harry takes a deep breath "it's okay baby, your going to be okay. Just stay really quiet for me okay." He hears a small whimper in reply

"I want to be home in the next 5 minutes"

"But sir-"

"I don't care... if you have to speed fucking do it. If the police try to pull you over you don't fucking stop. Get me home now. My omega needs me" he is shouting loudly his eyes wild and his alpha voice demanding. The beta driver is quick to press down on the accelerator.


"Yes darling. I'm nearly home. Did you call Liam?" His voice is strained as he tries to stay calm

"Li... I called but he Erm he far away. Harry... they're in the room now... they can smell me... they smell my fear. God... I love you Harry. You made my life complete"

"Wh-why are you talking as if this is goodbye? I'm nearly home and everything will be okay" his voice filled with desperation as his body shakes with fear. Tears begin to fall down his cheeks

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm so sorry. I love you. Remember that. I love yo— ahhh get of me. Please ahhhh stop-"

The phone cuts off after his last scream leaving Harry sat wide eyed and dropped mouth. His heart feels as if it's stopped beating, his wolf howls in anguish at hearing the scream their omega emitted.

He screams without realising what he's doing. The scream full of pain and despair.

"Sir I'm sorry. There's too much traffic... we are still 20 minutes away."

Harry doesn't stay to listen any more... he shoves open the door jumping out and beginning a sprint. Harry picks up his speed as he brings his wolf forward.

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