Bonus- naughty louis

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So I had an idea for a little smut extra and wrote it... enjoy

"Baby I've got to go" Louis grumbles hearing his mate shouting through the house. He quickly speeds down stairs to find his alpha stood by the front door, his arms open already waiting for his omega.

Louis blushes and smiles as he rushes into the open arms holding him tightly. "Don't go" he mumbles pushing his face into his alpha's chest taking a deep inhale

"I've got to baby... I won't be long.. just a couple of hours. I'll have my phone on me so message or call if it's an emergency."

Louis nods before he pulls back standing onto his top toes to gently kiss his alpha's.

"Just rest darling... the kids are at my mums for the next week... we've got plenty of time to spend together" Louis nods again but still slightly sulking. His best is due to kick in any day and his hormones are everywhere... he doesn't want his alpha to leave him even if it's just for a few hours.

Harry chuckles softly before kissing Louis once more and turning to walk out the door. Louis sighs already missing his alpha's presence but decides to try and keep himself busy for the next few hours... he goes back to building his nest.

It's a few hours later that Louis gets an alert on his phone that Harry is about to be on live tv. Squealing with excitement he rushes to turn the tv on the correct channel before getting himself comfortable in his nest. He only need to wait a few moments before they are introducing Harry and beginning the interview.

Mhmm he looks so good. Just want him to fuck us already

Louis signs in agreement. The interview continues how it normally does. Asking his he is, how's his omega and kids before they move in to his nee collection. Louis loves the way he's so passionate every time he discusses his work.

"Okay Harry so we had an idea of a quick fire game. We'll ask some questions and you answer as quick as possible'"

Louis watches as Harry nods with a happy smile.

"What gives you inspiration everyday?"

"Easy.. that would be my family."

"Who's your favourite person to photograph?"

Louis bites his lips as he sees his mate smirk before answering "my gorgeous Louis"

"What does this collection really represent?"

"I tried hard to capture the people behind the face. A lot of the time we, society, will see the person as a gender whether that be male or female or their secondary gender as omega, beta, alpha. We judge that... we decide where we think their place in the world should be and quite honestly I think that's bullshit. So in this collection I showed the people behind that... I showed their dreams, their jobs, their hobbies, their best moments and their worst... I showed what we should as a society look at first."

Louis beams with pride at his alpha's speech and dedication to equality. Since their incident with a certain beta... Harry has made it his mission to make people see more than their status. He watches as the presenter smiles kindly.

"That's beautiful... okay oh last one.. who was your last text from and what did it say?"

It's instant that Louis grabs his phone and snaps a picture of himself laid in their nest in only his panties. He adds "cannot wait for my alpha's knot to fuck me good." Before he sends it. Biting his lip he waits and watches as Harry pulls his phone out smiling... the sound of an incoming text goes of causing both Harry and the presenter to smile.

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