Chapter 6

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Hey lovelies, sorry this chapter took longer than expected, I've also been working on more of the plan for this story and now I have that finally sorted it should hopefully be a lot easier to write it. 🤞 anyway a few warnings for this chapter... mention of death, child abuse and infidelity. It doesn't go into a lot of detail- just mentioned.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story, please comments vote and share...
"Okay.... stop. The lights aren't working. They are far too dark... I cannot pick up everyone and it's important to showcase every person on stage. Rest for five while we get those lights sorted." Harry's voice booms as his eyebrows furrow. No matter how many photos he took.. they just weren't right. The lighting was off. Then the placement was off. Then someone breaks character and now the lights again. He was soon getting frustrated.

"Harry, is everything okay?" Louis' voice is quiet as everyone else chats around them

"It's just.... it's not going how I want it to" be slumps down in his sit as the production team try to brighten the lights. Harry sighs as he passes his camera to Louis to see the photos.

"Harry... these are fantastic... they're amazing. What is really wrong?" Louis was being honest. The pictures captured the show in all its beauty perfectly.

"I just... I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday... I want today to be perfect." His voice is hesitant

"Harry... darling. We spoke about this. Last night wasn't your fault. We will go on a date once we are done here and there's no pressure... we are just spending time together and trying to get to know each other better. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. You have nothing to make up for." Louis smiles gently and watches as Harry's shoulders relax before he smiles.

"I've never been this nervous before..."

"That's okay... I'm nervous to. It's good to be nervous sometimes. Now what do you say that we finish this and get to that date"

Harry laughs as he stands up and nods smiling gently at Louis. "Right if we can get the band under the lights, I want pictures of them next." His voices booms once more causing everyone to get into their place.

Louis smiled gently as he watched Niall pose with his band.

It's an hour or so later that they are finally on their way to the date. Louis asked if they could go to a small cafe he loves which Harry was more than happy to agree to. They both sit quietly during the drive feeling nervous but excited.

They pull up to the beautiful little cafe called 'Marjorie's', Harry is stunned as he sees how quaint and beautiful it looks. The outside is painted white and lavender with colourful flowers around. As they reach inside and find a table in the corner. He takes a moment to see how the 2 walls are decorated with flowers while the other two are simply plain white.

"Wow. This place looks amazing. I can't believe I've never been here" Harry smiles brightly

"Yeah it's incredible... this is actually the cafe I invested in." Louis smiles proudly, he was always proud when the business' he chose to put money into became successful. "The woman that owns this is actually a friend of ours Abby."

"Wow that's amazing Lou, I'm just in awe of you" he gushed before he realises what he just said. He feels his cheeks heat up and is quite thankful when he notices Louis' has as well.

The waiter turns up at this point to take their order, he smiles happily at the two. They ramble off what they want and are soon left in silence again. Harry can feel himself begin to fidget as Louis watches him closely.

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