Chapter 9

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Hey lovelies, I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to update. I struggled with writing this chapter- hope it's okay.

Once they reach Harry's, Louis begins to feel nervous, his hands are slightly shaking. It would be the second time he's been to the alpha's house and although he liked and trusted Harry, he couldn't help but feel uneasy entering the alpha's territory.

Louis nervously follows Harry into his house taking in the deep scent of the alpha. As Harry turns around Louis is unable to keep grasp of his wolf, he pushes forward and all Louis can do is watch

Leonnox stands, his eyes bright as they survey the room, his body trembling slightly.

"Leonnox, what's wrong darling?" Harry questions as he takes a small step forward, only to be stopped when he hears the growl that's omitted from the omega.

"You won't hurt him right? If he comes in and stays here tonight, you won't hurt him?" Harry is stunned by the question and while he is stunned his wolf takes over

Leonnox takes a step back once he sees the darkening eyes of the alpha's wolf coming forward.

"Calm down little one. I mean no harm. I just want to talk to you." The alpha's wolf speaks slowly and deeply

"Just— just stay there"

"I promise I won't move little one... just as I promise I would never hurt you or Louis. My name is Ehno ( pronounce the sound e like in the word every and no. Eno)  my name was given to me by Luna, our goddess. It means Protector... I live by my name... I chose an alpha I deem worthy to have my wolf... this lifetime I chose Harry... because without me he would be an incredible alpha. He's strong, kind, understanding and a protector. I tell you this so you and Louis can relax... you will not have any harm done to you... we are quite fond of you and Louis... we would never hurt you. I swear by the goddess, I bring you no harm."

Leonnox stands looking shaken at the man in front of him, he can feel the power and dominance this wolf holds but yet there is nothing but kindness and acceptance in his eyes. Without realising Leonnox rushes into the alpha's arms and soon breaks into sobs as the alpha wolf holds him tightly.

Whoever hurt this precious omega will pay- Ehno growls to Harry

They will suffer the greatest pain and have no mercy for hurting our omega- Harry growls back

It takes a while before Leonnox has calmed down enough for Ehno to move him. He gently lifts the omega into his arms and carries him to the sofa, it's clear he doesn't want to let go of the alpha and so Ehno sits the small omega upon his lap.

"Come on now, little one. Calm down. Speak to me" his voice as soothing as he can make it

"I- I'm sorry alpha"

"Never apologise for your feelings and how you portray them. Tell me what I can do to make this better"

"It's just... Louis is so kind and like you I chose him because I could see the kindness he had and bravery. Things have happened and now... he is so distrusting.. he waits for the next downfall to happen. He doesn't believe he can be happy. I say he but truthfully it's both of us. We both feel like that after what's happened. We really like you alpha but I will not let Louis get hurt again. I will not be weak again"

"Oh Little one, as I've said I don't plan on hurting you or Louis... I want to make you both as happy as can be. The pace is set by you two not me and not Harry. I want you safe and I want you to trust me but I know that will come in time. You just have to take a leap of faith right now... that we have your best interests in mind, we want nothing but happiness and love for you" Leonnox keeps his eyes glued to the alpha's face looking for any sign of a lie

I don't think they are lying Ehno... Louis' soft voice penetrates his thoughts

I don't either but I can not afford to be weak again... I will not let us get hurt anymore. His voice strong in reply

You have to stop blaming your self... it wasn't our fault... it was his. Please we can work at this together... I truly believe we can have something special- Louis admits

Only time will tell...

It's the last thing he says before he pulls back and pushes Louis to the forefront. Louis calls out but he knows Leonnox needs some time alone as he blocks his call.

Louis carefully looks up to the alpha's eyes "we can try, Ehno"

The wolf give a wolffish smile before he to recoils and pushes Harry forward knowing they needed to talk.

"Baby... why didn't you just speak to me? I never want you to feel so panicked Leonnox has to take over" Harry keeps his voice low and calm as he caresses Louis face

"I - I didn't realise I felt so panicked until we reached your house with your scent so strong.. I just got scared. As an omega I have to be careful, I have to evaluate every situation and know not to put myself in the position to be hurt."

"Do you want to be here?"

Louis hesitates not expecting the question "yes"

"Okay, do you want to be here with me?"

Louis leans closer into Harry's body


"Do you want to continue dating me?"

Louis looks shocked and almost offended at the question


"That's all I need Lou, you make the decisions right now... until the day you trust me enough for us to be a team you call the shots. All I want is to snuggle and hold you close. I want to wake up to you and smile. I want the intimacy and affection. I want every part of you, not just sex, not power over you and not your money. I just want you, I want to care for you and know you care for me. That's all." Harry is direct and stern with his words, he wants to leave no questions or worries unanswered

"I Erm" Louis stutter and blushes unable to think what to say. He looks up at the gorgeous alpha, not quite believing how perfect he is. How perfectly this alpha fits his omega.

Louis leans up before he can stop himself, he presses his soft lips to Harry's softer ones relishing in the moment the alpha is taken aback before he responds.

They move their lips slowly, tasting each other and enjoying the moment. They kiss until they need to breathe and when they finally pull back Louis lays his head upon Harry's maintaining eye contact.

"I want all of that, I want to feel protected and safe, I want security and love. I want understanding and support. I want you... just promise me something"


"Never hurt me and never stop kissing me like that"

Harry smiles the sweetest smile Louis has seen "I promise baby, I promise"

He seals his promise with another kiss.

Hope it was okay... what are your thoughts?

Any ideas what happened to Louis?

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